திங்கள், 21 அக்டோபர், 2013


ராதே கிருஷ்ணா 21-10-2013






    115.Who was Hanuman?

    The minister of Sugriva and the son of AnjanaDevi and Kesari.

    116.Why did Hanuman come in the disquise of an ascetic?

    He was sent by the Sugriva to iterview Rama andLaxmana .Sugriva mistook them for the spies of Valli.

    117.What did Hanuman do?

    He welcomed them showing his own form and carried them to Sugriva's abode.

    118.What made Rama think of his wife?

    Sugriva showed the robe and ornaments of Sita picked up by the vanaras.Seeing them Rama sobbed.

    119.How did Rama console Sugriva?

    He promised him to kill vali and give his wife and the kingdom.

    120. Who was Dundhubhi?

    A monster who was killed by valli in a battle>

    121.What were the tests put to Rama to find out Ram's strength?

    Rama was asked to remove the corpse of the huge monster.Rama did it no time with ease.Thinking that task an easy one he again asked Rama to shoot down one of the seven great sala trees satnding there.Rama also sent an arrow which had pierced through all the seven great trees.

    122.What was illegal with the king Vali?

    123.Why couldn't Vali enter Rsyamuga?

    The saint Mathaga had given the curse when his ashram was spoiled by the blood and flesh of the dead Dundubi thrown by Vali.

    124.What was the advice given by thara ,wife of Vali to him when he began to fight with Sugriva?

    she warned him about the secret contract between Sugriva and Rama.

    125.How did Rama kill Vali?

    At the first round he could not help Sugriva being confused of their identity.Then Sugriva was garlanded .Inthe second round Rama had to shoot at Vali in order to save Sugriva.

    126.What was the special gift enjoyed by Vali during battles?

    He would get the half of his enemy's strength during battles.

    127.Why was Rama hidden while shooting at Vali?

    Vali was gifted with a special boon of reducing his enemy's strength.So Rama did so.

    128.What were the request of Vali at his death-bed?

    He begged Rama to pardon him and asked him to save his son Angatha.He also asked to hi to protect Sugriva.

    129.Who coronated Sugriva?


    130.Where did the brother's Rama ana Laxmana spend the rainy seasons?

    At the cave of Prasaravana in the forest.

    131.Why was Laxmana enraged?

    Even after the rainy season Sugriva did not care to help Rama.

    132.Who softened Laxmana's rage?

    Hanuman and Tara.

    133.How did Sugriva help Rama in searching for Sita?

    He sent his whole army to all parts of the world.One section his army headed by Angatha with Hanuman and Zambavan was send to suthern side.Rama told Hanuman about sita and handed over his ring to him as his token to Sita.

    134.Who was Swayam Prabha?

    She was an aged women found by the army headed by Agantha in a cave.It was strange cave from which no one could come out if once into it.With her help they came out of it.

    135.Who was Sampathy?

    Jatay's brother .He was wingless.He lost them when he tried to help his brother.On hearing of Jatayu's death from the vanaras he felt much.He regained his wing while he was telling them about the way to reach Sita who was in Lanka.

    136.How huge was the sea?

    It was a thousand miles wide.

    137.Who was JAMBAVAN?

    A bear king.Who made Hanuman to realise his real strength.Because of his timely counselling Hanuman began to cross the sea with huge shape(form).

    138.What are the morals from the following episodes?

    Vali's death :"How ever strong the king is he should have justice and mercy .If not he will lose his name and fame"

    Sugriva pattabhisheka:"God is there to protect the helpless"

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