ராதே கிருஷ்ணா 06-05-2015
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Nalayira divya prabandham in tamil script
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The Divya Prabandham is the Divine collection of 4000 hymns sung by Azhvars who lived in the southern part of India before 8th century A.D.The term azhvar means the one who is "immersed in" and they were immersed in Bhagavath anubavam all the time. It was the scholar-saint Nathamuni who, in the 10th century, retrieved and compiled this divine collection and numerous commentries have been written by various poorvacharyas for this divya prabandham and it is a life time exercise to read and the understand the inner meanings of the bakthi laden pasurams. What is presented here a collection of the entire 4000 verses in roman,tamil and devanagari script. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read these files.This software is a freeware and you can download it easily from their web page at http://www.adobe.com
The version presented here was typed (as text files) in by a small group of volunteers from USA in 1994,and modified by a group of srivaishnavas in bahrain in Feb 2000. Basically all the typos are fixed,compound tamil words are re pharsed and more importanatly we have added pause marks(*) for ease of recitation by listening to the audio recitation of Sri.Sevelimedu swamy.We have then converted the text files to a tamil document.Our sincere thanks to all the bhagavathas who has originally typed the text version and Bahrain devotees who has improved the original version as mentioned above.Hope you will enjoy our collection and do send your comments to Sri.R.Venkat.
SrI Peria vAchchaan pillai's Pasurappadi ramayanam is an brilliant attempt to bring the entire epic of Ramayana from the pasurams of Divya prabandham. He has brilliantly assembled the lines from various divya prabandhams from memory and the poem is so fluent and easy to understand the Ramayana.
A humble attempt to serve Srivaishnava community, by dasan R.Venkat.
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Alwars (in pure Tamil AzhwAr) means "One who immerses himself". They really, deeply immersed themselves in their devotion and bhakti towards the Lord Sriya: Pathi Sriman Narayanan. They are incarnations of Nityasuris of Sri Vaikuntam; namely, the Garuda, the Vanamamali, the weapons, etc. They delivered the devotional hymns known as Divya Prabhandam.
Blog Articles
Nalayira divya prabandham in tamil script
The Divya Prabandham is the Divine collection of 4000 hymns sung by Azhvars who lived in the southern part of India before 8th century A.D.The term azhvar means the one who is "immersed in" and they were immersed in Bhagavath anubavam all the time. It was the scholar-saint Nathamuni who, in the 10th century, retrieved and compiled this divine collection and numerous commentries have been written by various poorvacharyas for this divya prabandham and it is a life time exercise to read and the understand the inner meanings of the bakthi laden pasurams. What is presented here a collection of the entire 4000 verses in roman,tamil and devanagari script. You will require Adobe Acrobat Reader to read these files.This software is a freeware and you can download it easily from their web page at http://www.adobe.com
The version presented here was typed (as text files) in by a small group of volunteers from USA in 1994,and modified by a group of srivaishnavas in bahrain in Feb 2000. Basically all the typos are fixed,compound tamil words are re pharsed and more importanatly we have added pause marks(*) for ease of recitation by listening to the audio recitation of Sri.Sevelimedu swamy.We have then converted the text files to a tamil document.Our sincere thanks to all the bhagavathas who has originally typed the text version and Bahrain devotees who has improved the original version as mentioned above.Hope you will enjoy our collection and do send your comments to Sri.R.Venkat.
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- Thirumaalai
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- kaNNi nuN sirutthaambu
- Periya thirumozhi
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- Thiruvaaymozhi Koyil thiruvaymozhi
- Mudhal thiruvandhadhi
- iraNdaam thiruvanthaathi
- Moonram thiruvandhadhi
- Naanmugan thiruvandhadhi
- Thiruvruththam
- Thiruvasiriyam
- Peria thiruvandhadhi
- thiru ezukooRRirukkai
- Siriya thirumadal
- Peria thirumadal
- Iraamaanusa noorandhadhi
First Thousand (Mudhal Aiyiram)
Other related Poems
The following poems are NOT part of the naalaayira divya prabandham, but they are related to them. Swamy Vedanta Desika's prabandha saram provides the pasuram details, their count and details of the azhvars composed it.The azhvars birth month, thirunakshatram and birth place are beautifully codified by Swamy Desikan.The other prabandham "Thiruvaymozhi noorandhadhi" is composed by Sri Manavala maamuni in praise of Swamy namaazhvaar's Thiruvaymozhi.SrI Peria vAchchaan pillai's Pasurappadi ramayanam is an brilliant attempt to bring the entire epic of Ramayana from the pasurams of Divya prabandham. He has brilliantly assembled the lines from various divya prabandhams from memory and the poem is so fluent and easy to understand the Ramayana.
A humble attempt to serve Srivaishnava community, by dasan R.Venkat.
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