வெள்ளி, 12 ஜூன், 2015

12 ஆழ்வார்கள்

ராதே கிருஷ்ணா 13-06-2015

12 ஆழ்வார்கள்

முதல் பக்கம் » பிரபந்தம் அறிமுகம்

நூல் சிறப்பு!டிசம்பர் 13,2011

நாலாயிர திவ்விய பிரபந்தம் என்பது பெருமாளை குறித்து 1. பொய்கையாழ்வார்,  2. பூதத்தாழ்வார், 3. பேயாழ்வார், 4. திருமழிசையாழ்வார், 5. நம்மாழ்வார், 6. மதுரகவியாழ்வார், 7. குலசேகர ஆழ்வார், 8. ... மேலும்


1. பொய்கையாழ்வார் டிசம்பர் 13,2011

12 ஆழ்வார்கள் பற்றிய விபரம்:
பிறந்த ஊர் : காஞ்சிபுரம், திருவெக்கா பொற்றாமரை பொய்கையில்அவதரித்தவர்,
பிறந்த நாள் : 7ம்நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : ஐப்பசி ... மேலும்


2. பூதத்தாழ்வார்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த ஊர் : மகாபலிபுரம்
பிறந்த நாள் : 7ம் நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : ஐப்பசி அவிட்டம் (வளர்பிறை நவமி திதி)
கிழமை : புதன்
எழுதிய நூல் : இரண்டாம் ... மேலும்


3. பேயாழ்வார்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த ஊர் :  மயிலாப்பூர்
பிறந்த நாள் : ஏழாம் நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : ஐப்பசி சதயம் (வளர்பிறை தசமி திதி)
கிழமை : வியாழன்
எழுதிய நூல் : மூன்றாம் ... மேலும்

பிறந்த ஊர் : திருமழிசை (காஞ்சிபுரம் அருகில்)
பிறந்த நாள் : கி.பி.7ம் நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : தை மகம் (தேய்பிறை பிரதமை திதி)
கிழமை : ஞாயிறு
தந்தை : பார்க்கவ ... மேலும்


5. பெரியாழ்வார்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த இடம் : ஸ்ரீவில்லிப்புத்தூர்
தந்தை : முகுந்தர்
தாய் : பதுமவல்லி
பிறந்த நாள் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டு குரோதன ஆண்டு ஆனி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : ஆனி சுவாதி (வளர்பிறை ... மேலும்


6. ஆண்டாள்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த இடம் : ஸ்ரீவில்லிப்புத்தூர்
தந்தை : பெரியாழ்வார் (வளர்ப்புத்தந்தை)
பிறந்த காலம் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டு நள ஆண்டு ஆடி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : ஆடி பூரம் (வளர்பிறை ... மேலும்

பிறந்த இடம் : திருமண்டங்குடி (தஞ்சாவூர் அருகில்)
பிறந்த காலம் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு பராபவ ஆண்டு மார்கழி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : மார்கழி கேட்டை (தேய்பிறை சதுர்த்தசி ... மேலும்

பிறந்த இடம் : திருக்குறையலூர் ( நாகப்பட்டினம் மாவட்டமசீர்காழி அருகில்)
தந்தை : ஆலிநாடுடையார்
தாய் : வல்லித்திரு அம்மையார்
பிறந்த காலம் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு ... மேலும்


9. திருப்பாணாழ்வார்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த இடம் : உறையூர் (திருச்சி)
பிறந்த காலம் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு, துன்மதி ஆண்டு கார்த்திகை மாதம்.
நட்சத்திரம் : கார்த்திகை ரோகிணி (வளர்பிறை துவிதியை ... மேலும்


10. குலசேகர ஆழ்வார்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த இடம் : திருவஞ்சைக்களம் (கோழிக்கோடு அருகில்)
பிறந்த நாள் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு, பராபவ ஆண்டு மாசி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : மாசி புனர்பூசம், (வளர்பிறை துவாதசி ... மேலும்


11. நம்மாழ்வார்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த இடம் : ஆழ்வார் திருநகரி(தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம்)
தந்தை : காரி
தாய் : உடையநங்கை
பிறந்த நாள் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டின் முற்பகுதி, வைகாசி 12
நட்சத்திரம் : வைகாசி ... மேலும்


12. மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார்டிசம்பர் 13,2011

பிறந்த இடம் : திருக்கோளூர் (தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம்)
பிறந்த நாள் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டின் முற்பகுதி, சித்திரை மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : சித்திரை சித்திரை, (வளர்பிறை சதுர்த்தசி ... மேலும்


 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

நூல் சிறப்பு!
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

நாலாயிர திவ்விய பிரபந்தம் என்பது பெருமாளை குறித்து 1. பொய்கையாழ்வார்,  2. பூதத்தாழ்வார், 3. பேயாழ்வார், 4. திருமழிசையாழ்வார், 5. நம்மாழ்வார், 6. மதுரகவியாழ்வார், 7. குலசேகர ஆழ்வார், 8. பெரியாழ்வார், 9. ஆண்டாள், 10. தொண்டரடிப்பொடியாழ்வார், 11. திருப்பாணாழ்வார், 12. திருமங்கையாழ்வார் என்ற 12 ஆழ்வார்களால் இயற்றப்பட்ட பக்தி பாடல்களின் தொகுப்பாகும். இது இந்து மதத்தில் வைணவ சமயத்தில் ஒரு முக்கிய இடத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ளது.
கி.பி. 6 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டு முதல் 9 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டுக்குள் வைணவ சமயத்தில் 12 ஆழ்வார்களால் பாடப்பட்ட இந்த 4000 பாடல்களை, 10 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டில் நாதமுனிகள் நாலாயிரத்திவ்விய பிரபந்தம் எனத் தொகுத்தார். இதில் திருவரங்கமுதனார் செய்த இராமானுச நூற்றந்தாதியும் சேர்க்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
திவ்விய எனும் சொல் திருமாலையும் பிரபந்தம் எனும் சொல் பாடலையும் குறிக்கும். இந்த நூல் ஆன்ற தமிழ் மறை, ஐந்தாவது வேதம், திராவிட வேதம், திராவிட பிரபந்தம் என்றெல்லாம் வர்ணிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது. திவ்விய பிரபந்தங்கள் 24 வகைப்படும், அவை
1. திருப்பல்லாண்டு, 2. பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி, 3. திருப்பாவை, 4. நாச்சியார் திருமொழி, 5. பெருமாள் திருமொழி, 6. திருச்சந்தவிருத்தம், 7. திருமாலை, 8. திருப்பள்ளி எழுச்சி, 9. அமலனாதிபிரான், 10. கண்ணிநுண்சிறுத்தாம்பு, 11. பெரிய திருமொழி, 12. திருக்குறுந்தாண்டகம், 13. திருநெடுந்தாண்டகம், 14. முதல் திருவந்தாதி, 15. இரண்டாம் திருவந்தாதி, 16. மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதி, 17. நான்முகன் திருவந்தாதி, 18. திருவிருத்தம், 19. திருவாசிரியம், 20. பெரிய திருவந்தாதி, 21. திருஎழுகூற்றிருக்கை, 22. சிறிய திருமடல், 23. பெரிய திருமடல், 24. இராமானுச நூற்றந்தாதி.
முதலாயிரம்  -947 பாடல்கள்
பெரிய திருமொழி -1134 பாடல்கள்
திருவாய்மொழி  -1102 பாடல்கள்
இயற்பா  -817 பாடல்கள்
என நான்கு பிரிவுகளாகப் பிரிக்கப்பட்டுள்ளது.
இந்தப் பாடல்கள் அனைத்தும் பெருமாளையும் , அவரது பல்வேறு அவதாரங்களையும் குறித்து அமைந்துள்ளன. பெரும்பாலான பாடல்கள் 108 திவ்ய தேசங்களில் பாடப்பட்டுள்ளன. இந்த தொகுப்பில், சுமார் 1100 பாடல்கள் நம்மாழ்வாரால் இயற்றப்பட்டதாகும். இப்பாசுரங்களின் மொத்த எண்ணிக்கை 3892 ஆகும். இராமானுசர் காலத்தில் வாழ்ந்த திருவரங்கத்து அமுதனார் இயற்றிய இராமானுசர் நூற்றந்தாதியையும் (108 பாசுரங்கள் கொண்டது) சேர்த்து நாலாயிரம் என்பர். இவற்றுள் பெரும்பாலானவை பண்ணுடன் பாடக்கூடிய இசைப்பாடல்களாகும்.
பெரியாழ்வார் (திருப்பல்லாண்டு 12, திருமொழி 461),
ஆண்டாள் (திருப்பாவை 30, நாச்சியார் திருமொழி 143),
குலசேகராழ்வார் (பெருமாள் திருமொழி 105),
திருமழிசையாழ்வார் (திருச்சந்தவிருத்தம் 120),
தொண்டரடிப்பொடியாழ்வார் (திருமாலை 45, திருப்பள்ளி எழுச்சி 10),
திருப்பாணாழ்வார் (அமலனாதிபிரான் 10),
மதுரகவியாழ்வார் (கண்ணிநுண்சிறுத்தாம்பு 11)
திருமங்கையாழ்வார் (பெரிய திருமொழி 1084, திருக்குறுந்தாண்டகம் 20, திருநெடுந்தாண்டகம் 30)
பொய்கை ஆழ்வார் (முதல் திருவந்தாதி 100),
பூதத்தாழ்வார் (இரண்டாம் திருவந்தாதி 100),
பேயாழ்வார் (மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதி 100),
திருமழிசை ஆழ்வார் ( நான்முகன் திருவந்தாதி 96),
நம்மாழ்வார் (திருவிருத்தம் 100, திருவாசிரியம் 7, பெரிய திருவந்தாதி 87),
திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் (திருஎழுகூற்றிருக்கை 1, சிறிய திருமடல் 40, பெரிய திருமடல் 78,
திருவரங்கத்தமுதனார் (இராமானுச நூற்றந்தாதி 108)
நம்மாழ்வார் (திருவாய்மொழி 1102) ஆகிய பாடல்களைக் கொண்டது.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

1. பொய்கையாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

12 ஆழ்வார்கள் பற்றிய விபரம்:
பிறந்த ஊர் : காஞ்சிபுரம், திருவெக்கா பொற்றாமரை பொய்கையில்அவதரித்தவர்,
பிறந்த நாள் : 7ம்நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : ஐப்பசி திருவோணம் (வளர்பிறை அஷ்டமி திதி)
கிழமை : செவ்வாய்
எழுதிய நூல் : முதல் திருவந்தாதி
பாடல்கள் : 100
சிறப்பு : திருமாலின் சங்கின் அம்சம் (பாஞ்சஜந்யாம்சம்).
பிற பெயர்கள் : பொய்கைப்பிரான், கவிஞர் போரேறு, பத்மமுநி, ஸரோயோகி, காஸாரயோகி
வையம் தகளியா வார்கடலே நெய்யாக
வெய்ய கதிரோன் விளக்காக - செய்ய
சுடராழி யானடிக்கே சூட்டினேன்சொன் மாலை
இடராழி நீங்குகவே என்று !
இவ்வாறு நூறு பாடல்களைப்பாடியவர் பொய்கையாழ்வார்.
வைணவத்தினர் இவரை கவிஞர் தலைவன் என்று போற்றுகின்றனர்.
இவர்  காஞ்சி நகர் திருவெக்கா பொய்கையில் அவதரித்தார். பொய்கையில் அவதரித்த காரணத்தாலேயே இவர் பொய்கைஆழ்வார் என அழைக்கப்பட்டார்.
திருமாலின் கருணையால் அனைத்தையும் கற்றார். கற்றதின் பயனாய் இம்மைக்கும் மறுமைக்கும் பயன் தரக்கூடியது திருமாலின் தொண்டு தான் என்பதை உணர்ந்தார். அத்துடன் தன்னையே பெருமாளின் தொண்டிற்கு அர்ப்பணித்து கொண்டார். மொத்தம் 6 திவ்ய தேசங்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார். இவர்தான் முதலில் நாலாயிர திவ்ய பிரபந்தத்தை இவ்வுலகிற்கு அர்ப்பணித்தவர்.
சதா சர்வ காலமும் விஷ்ணுவின் நினைப்பிலேயே இருப்பார். தன்னையே மறந்து பகவானை பாடி மகிழ்வார்.
ஹரியும் சிவனும் ஒன்றுதான். ஹரியை வணங்குபவர்கள் சிவனை வெறுக்க வேண்டாம். சிவனை வழிபடுபவர்கள் ஹரியை பழிக்க வேண்டாம். இதை மக்களிடம் கூறிக்கொண்டதோடு ஹரியிடம் மாறாபக்தி கொண்டும் அவருக்கு சேவைசெய்தும் வாழ்ந்து வந்தார். இறைவனை அடைந்து ஒன்றாக கலப்பது தான் ஆத்மாவின் தன்மை என்றும், இறைவனை பிரிந்திருப்பது தான் துன்பங்களுக்கெல்லாம் மூல காரணம் என்பதையும் பொய்கையாழ்வார் உணர்த்துகிறார்.
ஒரு சமயம் பொய்கை ஆழ்வார் திருக்கோவிலூர் மிருகண்டு முனிவரது ஆசிரமத்துக்கு சென்றார். அங்கு பூதத்தாழ்வாரும் பேயாழ்வாரும் வந்து சேர்ந்தனர். இவர்கள் மூவரும் நெருக்கியடித்து நிற்க அங்கு சங்கு, சக்கரத்துடன் திருமால் தோன்றி மூவருக்கும் காட்சியளித்தார். இவர் பேயாழ்வார் மற்றும் பூதத்தாழ்வாருடன் பல திவ்ய தேசங்களுக்கு சென்று பரந்தாமனைப் பாடி பணிந்தார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

2. பூதத்தாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த ஊர் : மகாபலிபுரம்
பிறந்த நாள் : 7ம் நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : ஐப்பசி அவிட்டம் (வளர்பிறை நவமி திதி)
கிழமை : புதன்
எழுதிய நூல் : இரண்டாம் திருவந்தாதி
பாடல்கள் : 100
சிறப்பு : குருக்கத்தி மலரில் பிறந்தவர், திருமாலின் கதாயுத அம்சம்.
மகாபலிபுரத்தில் மல்லிகைப்புதரின் நடுவில் நீலோத்பவ மலரின் பெருமாளின் கவுமாதிதி என்னும் கதையில் அம்சமாக பிறந்தார் பூதத்தாழ்வார். இந்த உலக வாழ்வை சிறிதும் விரும்பாமல் பரமனிடம் ஆழ்ந்த பக்தியோடு திகழ்ந்தார். இவர் 13 திவ்யதேசங்களில் மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார். முதல் ஆழ்வார் மூவருள் இரண்டாவது ஆழ்வார் இவர். பொய்கையாழ்வார், பேயாழ்வார் இருவரையும் திருக்கோவிலூரில் சந்தித்து மகிழ்கிறார். பொய்கையாழ்வார் வையம் தகளியாய் என ஆரம்பித்து நூறு பாடல்களை பாட பூதத்தாழ்வாரோ அன்பே தகளியாய் என நூறு பாடல்களை பாடினார்.
மகிழ்வில் உருகிய மனமாகிய திரியை, பக்தி என்று எண்ணெயில் இட்டு ஞானச்சுடர் ஏற்றி என பாடி, திருமாலை பாடும் பெருமையை தனக்கு கிடைத்ததை நினைத்து அடிக்கடி மகிழ்கிறார். பல திவ்ய தேசங்களுக்கும் சென்று பெருமாளின் புகழைப் பரப்பினார். பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் பூதத்தாழ்வார் தனியாக மங்களாசாசனம் செய்யாமல், பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து மொத்தம் 14 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

3. பேயாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த ஊர் :  மயிலாப்பூர்
பிறந்த நாள் : ஏழாம் நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : ஐப்பசி சதயம் (வளர்பிறை தசமி திதி)
கிழமை : வியாழன்
எழுதிய நூல் : மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதி
பாடல்கள் : 100
சிறப்பு : செவ்வல்லி மலரில் பிறந்தவர், திருமாலின் கட்கம் என்னும் வாளின் அம்சம் (நந்தகாம்சம்)
பிற பெயர்கள் : கைரவமுநி, மஹதாஹ்வயர்
இவர் சென்னையிலுள்ள ஆதிகேசவப்பெருமாள் கோயில் அருகிலுள்ள குளத்தில் அதிசயமாக மலர்ந்த செவ்வரளிப்பூவில்  பிறந்தவர்.
சிறுவயது முதல் கல்வி கேள்விகளில் சிறந்து விளங்கினார். அவர் மனம் எப்போதும் பரமனின் திருவடியையே நாடி நின்றது. திருமாலின் திருப்புகழை பாமாலையாக்கி நாள்தோறும் தொடுப்பார் இவர். அப்பொழுது இவர் கண்களில் ஆனந்த வெள்ளம் கரை புரண்டோடும். திருமாலின் திருப்பாதம் பணியுங்கள். உங்கள் வினைகள் ஓடிப்போகும். அத்துடன் மீண்டும் உங்களை தொடாது. இதையே
அகநன்று, இது தீது என்று ஐயப்படாதே
மது நன்று தண் துழாய் மார்வன்-பொது நின்ற
பொன்அம் கழலே தொழுமின் ! முழு வினைகள்
முன்னம் கழலும் முடிந்து
என்ற பாடலால் உணர்த்தியுள்ளார். இவர் நூறு பாசுரங்கள் கொண்ட மூன்றாம் திருவந்தாதியை அருளினார். முதலாழ்வார்கள் எனப்பட்ட பூதத்தாழ்வார், பொய்கையாழ்வார், பேயாழ்வாரில் இவர் தான் அதிகமான ஸ்தலங்களைப்பாடியுள்ளார். அத்துடன் பதினைந்து திவ்ய தேசங்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.
திருக்கோவிலூரில் உள்ள ஒரு வைணவரின் வீட்டில் விளக்கு வெளிச்சத்தில் நாராயணன் நிற்பது முதலில் பேயாழ்வாருக்கு தான் தெரிந்தது. இப்படி பரமனைக் கண்ட பரவசத்தில் திருக்கண்டேன். பொன்மேனி கண்டேன் என்று துவங்கி நூறு பாடல்களை பாடினார். மேலும் திருவேங்கடம் சென்ற இவர் பெருமானை சிவனும், விஷ்ணுவும் கலந்த உருவாக கண்டார்.
பெருமாள் மேல் ஆராக்காதல் கொண்டு வேறு எதையும் நினைக்காமல் வாழ்ந்தார். பேயனாயொழிந்தே ஏனம்பிரானுக்கே என்று பாடியருளினார். பக்தி பரவசத்தில் அதுவே ஒரு வெறிபோல் தோன்றும்படி அவர் அழுவார். தொழுவார். ஆடிக் காண்பார். இறை பக்தியில் தன்னை முழுதும் மறந்து போனதால் இவர் பேயர் போலும் பித்தர் போலும் திரிந்தார். இதனாலேயே இவர் பேயாழ்வார் என் அழைக்கப்பட்டார். பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் பேயாழ்வார் தனியாக சென்று 1 கோயிலையும், பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து 11 கோயில்களையும் என மொத்தம் 12 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

4. திருமழிசையாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த ஊர் : திருமழிசை (காஞ்சிபுரம் அருகில்)
பிறந்த நாள் : கி.பி.7ம் நூற்றாண்டு
நட்சத்திரம் : தை மகம் (தேய்பிறை பிரதமை திதி)
கிழமை : ஞாயிறு
தந்தை : பார்க்கவ முனிவர்
தாய் : கனகாங்கி
எழுதிய நூல் : நான்முகன் திருவந்தாதி, திருச்சத விருத்தம்
பாடல்கள் : 216
சிறப்பு : திருமாலின்ஆழி என்ற சக்கரத்தாழ்வாரின் அம்சம்,
பிற பெயர்கள் : மழிசைப்பிரான், மஹீஸாபுரீஸ்வரர், பக்திஸாரர், பார்க்கவர்
சக்கரத்தாழ்வாரின் அம்சமான திருமழிசை ஆழ்வார் பார்க்கவ மகரிஷியின் மகனாக திருமழிசை என்னும் திருத்தலத்தில் அவதரித்தவர். பிரம்பறுக்க வந்த திருவாளன் என்பவர் இவரை எடுத்துச்சென்று வளர்த்தார். ஆனால் ஆழ்வார் பிறந்தது முதல் பால் கூட குடிக்கவில்லை. இதைக்கேள்விப்பட்ட வேளாளர் ஒருவர் தன் மனைவியுடன் பசும்பாலை காய்ச்சி எடுத்து வந்து இவருக்கு கொடுத்து அருந்தக் கூறினார். இப்படியே தினமும் வேளாளர் கொடுத்த பாலை குடித்து வந்த ஆழ்வார். ஒரு நாள் சிறிது பாலை மட்டும் அருந்தி விட்டு மீதியை அவர்களிடமே அருந்தக் கூறினார். மனைவியுடன் அந்த பாலை அருந்திய வேளாளர், தன் முதுமை நீங்கி இளமை பெற்றார். பாலின் மகிமையால் இவர்களுக்கு பிறந்த குழந்தைக்கு கனிக்கண்ணன் என்று பெயரிட்டு வளர்த்து வந்தனர்.
களிக்கண்ணனும் திருமழிசை சீடர் ஆனார். பல சமயங்களில் உள்ள குறைபாடுகளை அறிந்த ஆழ்வார் கடைசியில் சைவ சமயத்தை சார்ந்திருந்தார். ஆழ்வார்களில் ஒருவரான பேயாழ்வார், திருமழிசை ஆழ்வாரை வைணவ சமயத்தை ஏற்கச் செய்ததுடன், திருமந்திர உபதேசம் செய்தார்.
ஒருமுறை காஞ்சிபுரம் சென்ற ஆழ்வார் அங்குள்ள திருவெங்குடி திருத்தல பெருமாளுக்கு பல ஆண்டுகள் தொண்டாற்றி வந்தார். அங்கு ஆசிரமத்தை சுத்தம் செய்யும் மூதாட்டியின் விருப்பப்படி அவளுக்கு இளமை வரம் கொடுத்தார். இவளின் அழகில் மயங்கிய பல்லவ மன்னன் இவளை தன் மனைவியாக்கினான். தனக்கும் இளமை வரம் வேண்டும் என்று விருப்பப்பட்ட மன்னன். ஆழ்வாரின் சீடனான களிகண்ணனிடம் தனக்கும் இளமை வரம் கேட்டான். ஆனால் எல்லோருக்கும் ஆழ்வார் வரம் தர மாட்டார் என களிக்கண்ணன் கூறியதால் அவனை நாடு கடத்த மன்னன் உத்தரவிட்டார்.
இதையறிந்த ஆழ்வார், சீடனுடன் தானும் வெளிறே முடிவு செய்து, காஞ்சி வரதராஜப் பெருமாளிடம் நாங்கள் இல்லாத இடத்தில் உனக்கும் ÷வேலை இல்லை எனவே நீயும் எங்களுடன் வந்துவிடு என அழைத்தார். பெருமாளும் தன் பாம்பணையை சுருட்டிகொண்டு ஆழ்வாருடன் சென்றார். இதனால் இந்த பெருமாளுக்கு சொல் வண்ணம் செய்த பெருமாள் என்ற பெயர் வழங்கப்படுகிறது. அதன் பின் கும்பகோணம் வந்த ஆழ்வார், நீண்ட காலம் அங்கிருந்து பெருமாளுக்கு சேவை செய்து திருவடியை அடைந்தார். பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் திருமழிசை ஆழ்வார் தனியாக சென்று 2 கோயில்களையும், பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து 11 கோயில்களையும் என மொத்தம் 13 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

5. பெரியாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : ஸ்ரீவில்லிப்புத்தூர்
தந்தை : முகுந்தர்
தாய் : பதுமவல்லி
பிறந்த நாள் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டு குரோதன ஆண்டு ஆனி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : ஆனி சுவாதி (வளர்பிறை ஏகாதசி திதி)
கிழமை : திங்கள்
எழுதிய நூல் : பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி
பாடிய பாடல் : 473
சிறப்பு : திருமாலின் வாகனமான கருடனின் அம்சம்
பிற பெயர்கள் : பட்டநாதன், பட்டர்பிரான், விஷ்ணுசித்தன், ஸ்ரீவில்லிபுத்தூரார், ஸ்ரீரங்கநாதஸ்வஸுரர்
பெரியாழ்வாரின் இயற்பெயர் விஷ்ணு சித்தர் . ஸ்ரீ வில்லிபுத்தூரில் வடபத்ரசாயிக்கு தினமும் மாலை தொடுத்து சூட்டுவதை தன் முக்கிய பணியாக கொண்டிருந்தார் இவர். அக்காலத்தில் மதுரையில் அரசனான வல்லபதேவ பாண்டியன் நகர சோதனை வரும் போது ஒரு வேதியர் திண்ணையில் படுத்திருப்பதை கண்டு ஒரு நல்ல வார்த்தை சொல்லும்படி கேட்டார்.
அந்த வேதியரும் மழைக்காலத்துக்காக மற்ற எட்டு மாதங்களிலும், இரவுக்காகப் பகலிலும். கிழப்பருவத்திற்காக வாலிபத்திலும், மறுமைக்காக இம்மையிலும் முயற்சிக்க வேண்டும் என்ற சுலோகத்தை சொன்னார். மன்னனும் தம் அரசவையிலுள்ள செல்வ நம்பி என்ற அந்தணரிடம் இது பற்றி கூறினார். அதற்கு செல்வ நம்பி பரத்வ நிர்ணயம் பண்ணி அதனடியாகப் பேறு பெற வேண்டும் என்று கூறினார்.
ஸ்ரீ வில்லிபுத்தூரில் பெருமாள் விஷ்ணு சித்தர் கனவில் தோன்றி மதுரையில் நடந்த சம்பவத்தை கூறி உனக்குத்தான் பொற்கிழி, சென்று வாரும் என்றார். அதற்கு விஷ்ணு சித்தர், கல்லாதவனான என்னால் முடியுமா ? என்று கேட்க, பெருமாளும் இதற்கு நானே பொறுப்பு என்றார். விஷ்ணு சித்தர் மதுரை சென்று பாண்டியன் அரசவையில் வேதங்கள் பாடி ஸ்ரீமன் நாராயணனே பரன் (முதல்வன்) என்று நிலை நாட்டினார். பொற்கிழி தோரணம் தாழ அதனை எடுத்துக்கொண்டார். எல்லோரும் பாராட்டி ஆழ்வாரை யானை மீது ஏற்றி வீதி வலம் வந்த போது இக்கோலத்தை ரசிக்க பெருமாள், பிராட்டியுடன் கருடன் மீதமர்ந்து ஆகாயத்தில் தோன்றி ஆழ்வாருக்கு காட்சியளித்தார்.
ஆழ்வார் மருண்டார். நல்ல காலத்திலேயே இம் மண்ணுலகில் தீங்கு செய்வர். இக்கலியிலே முகம் காட்டுகிறானே, இதனால் கண்திருஷ்டி பட்டு விடுமோ என்று பொங்கும் பரிவால். யானை மீதுள்ள மணிகளை ஒலித்து கொண்டு பல்லாண்டு பல்லாண்டு என்று மங்களாசாசனம் பண்ணினார்.
எனவே தான் ஆழ்வார்களிலே பெரியாழ்வார் எனப்பட்டார். பொற்கிழியை கொண்டு ஸ்ரீ வில்லிபுத்தூர் பெருங்கோயிலுக்கு சமர்ப்பித்து மீண்டும் தொண்டு செய்தார். கண்ணன் லீலையை முற்றும் அனுபவித்து அதன் விளைவாக பெரியாழ்வார் திருமொழி என்ற பிரபந்தத்தை வெளியிட்டார். பெரியாழ்வாரின் வம்சத் தோன்றல்கள்  வேதப்பிரான் பட்டர்கள் என்ற திருநாமத்துடன் இன்றும் ஸ்ரீவில்லிபுத்தூரில் வாழ்ந்து வருகிறார்கள். பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் பெரியாழ்வார் தனியாக சென்று 2 கோயில்களையும், பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து 17 கோயில்களையும் என மொத்தம் 19 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

6. ஆண்டாள்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : ஸ்ரீவில்லிப்புத்தூர்
தந்தை : பெரியாழ்வார் (வளர்ப்புத்தந்தை)
பிறந்த காலம் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டு நள ஆண்டு ஆடி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : ஆடி பூரம் (வளர்பிறை சதுர்த்தசி திதி)
கிழமை : செவ்வாய்
எழுதிய நூல் : திருப்பாவை, நாச்சியார் திருவாய்மொழி
பாடிய பாடல் : 173
சிறப்பு : கரும்பார் குழல் கோதை என்ற சிறப்பு பெயர் பெற்றவள், திருமாலின் மனைவியாகும் பாக்கியம் செய்தவள். (பூமிப்பிராட்டியாம்சம்)
பிற பெயர்கள் : கோதைப்பிராட்டி, சூடிக்கொடுத்த நாச்சியார்
ஸ்ரீ வில்லிபுத்தூர் நந்தவனத்தில் ஒரு துளசி செடியின் அடியில் ஆடி மாதம் பூரம் நட்சத்திரத்தில் மகாலட்சுமியே ஆண்டாளாக அவதாரம் செய்தார். பெரியாழ்வார் இந்த நந்தவனத்திற்கு வந்தபோது, ஆண்டாளை எடுத்து சுரும்பார் குழற்கோதை என்ற பெயரிட்டு வளர்த்து வந்தார். அந்த நந்தவனத்தின் மலர்களை தினமும் பறித்து மாலையாக தொடுத்து ரெங்கமன்னாருக்கு வழங்குவது ஆழ்வாரின் முக்கியப்பணியாகும். மாதவனின் தோளைத் தழுவும் அந்த மாலையை அவர் மீது கொண்ட காதலால் ஆண்டாள் தம் கழுத்தில் அணிந்து அழகு பார்த்து அதன் பின் பெருமாளுக்கு அனுப்பி வைப்பாள்.
ஒருமுறை பெருமாள் அணிந்திருந்த மாலையில் நீண்ட முடி இருப்பதை கண்ட அர்ச்சகர்கள் அதை எறிந்து விட்டு வேறுமாலை கொண்டு வரும்படி ஆழ்வாரிடம் கூறிவிட்டனர். பகவானின் சேவையில் தவறு வந்து விட்டதே என்று ஆழ்வார் வருந்தினார். மறுநாளும் மாலை தொடுத்து ஆண்டவனுக்கு அனுப்பும் சமயத்தில், அந்த மாலையை ஆண்டாள் அணிவதை கண்டார். ஆண்டாளை கண்டித்தார். அன்று இரவே பெருமாள் ஆழ்வாரின் கனவில் தோன்றி, ஆண்டாள் சூடிய மாலையையே தனக்கு அணிவிக்கும்படி கூறினார். அது முதல் ஆண்டாள் சூடிக்கொடுத்த சுடர்க்கொடியாள் பூமாலை மட்டுமின்றி பாமாலையும் சூடி மகிழ்ந்தாள்.
ஸ்ரீ ரங்கப்பெருமாளை திருமணம் செய்வதற்காக ஆண்டாள் மார்கழியில் நோன்பிருந்து பக்தியின் சாரமாக திருப்பாவையும். காதலின் வரமாக நாச்சியார் திருமொழியையும், காதலின் வீரமாக நாச்சியார் திருமொழியையும் பாடினார். தன தந்தையிடமும் இந்த தெய்வீக திருமணம் பற்றி கூறினார்.
ஆழ்வாரும் ஆண்டாளை பல்லக்கில் ஏற்றி வந்தார். இதைக்கேள்விப்பட்ட பாண்டிய மன்னன் ஆண்டாள் திருமணத்தை சிறப்பாக நடந்த ஸ்ரீவில்லிபுத்தூரிலிருந்து ஸ்ரீரங்கம் வரை அலங்கரிக்க ஏற்பாடு செய்தார். காவிரியின் தென்கரையில் இறங்கி அங்கிருந்து நடந்து செல்ல ஆண்டான் விருப்பப்பட்டாள். ஆண்டாள் பாதம் வலிக்குமே என்றெண்ணிய ரெங்கநாதர் அவனை தன் மார்பில் வீற்றிருக்கும்படியாக செய்தார். பங்குனி உத்திரநன்னாளில் ஆண்டாள் ரெங்கநாதர் திருமணம் சிறப்பாக நடந்தது. பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் ஆண்டாள் தனியாக மங்களாசாசனம் செய்யாமல் , பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து மொத்தம் 10 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

7. தொண்டரடி பொடியாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : திருமண்டங்குடி (தஞ்சாவூர் அருகில்)
பிறந்த காலம் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு பராபவ ஆண்டு மார்கழி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : மார்கழி கேட்டை (தேய்பிறை சதுர்த்தசி திதி)
கிழமை : செவ்வாய்
எழுதிய நூல் : திருமாலை, திருப்பள்ளி எழுச்சி
பாடிய பாடல் : 55
வேறு பெயர் : விப்பிர நாராயணர்
சிறப்பு : திருமாலின் வனமாலையின் அம்சம்
பிற பெயர்கள் : பக்தாங்க்ரிரேணு, விப்ரநாராயணர், திருமண்டங்குடியார், பள்ளியுணர்த்தியபிரான்
சோழநாட்டின் திருமண்டங்குடி என்ற கிராமத்தில் வேத விசாரதர் என்பவர் சிறந்த திருமால் தாசராக விளங்கி வந்தார். இவர் எப்பொழுதும் நாராயணனின் திருநாமத்தை உச்சரித்துக் கொண்டே பூமாலைகள் தொடுத்து பெருமாளுக்கு சாற்றி வந்தார். அந்த உலகளந்த பெருமாளின் கருணையால் மார்கழி மாதம் கேட்டை நட்சத்திரத்தில் திருமாலின் வைஜயந்தி வனமாலையின் அம்சமாக ஒரு புதல்வர் பிறந்தார். பெற்றோர்களும் அவருக்கு விப்பிர நாராயணர் என்றுபெயர் சூட்டினார்கள்.
சகல கலைகளையும் கற்றுணர்ந்த விப்பிரநாராயணருக்காக விண்ணுலகிலிருந்து, திருமாலின் சேனைத்தலைவரான சேனை முதலியர் பூமிக்கு வந்து உண்மைப்பொருளை உணர்த்தி சென்றார். இதன் பிறகு விப்பிர நாராயணருக்கு அரங்கனைப்பற்றிய சிந்தனையே மேலோங்கி இருந்தது. இதனால் திருமணம் செய்யாமல் பிரம்மச்சரிய விரதத்தையே உயர்வாக எண்ணி வாழ்ந்து வந்தார்.
ஒரு முறை திருமாலின் திருத்தலங்கள் அனைத்தையும் பார்த்து வர ஆசைப்பட்டு முதலில் ஸ்ரீரங்கம் சென்று அரங்கனை தரிசித்தார். அவர் பெருமையை கேட்டறிந்தார். அரங்கனைப்பார்த்த மகிழ்ச்சியில் திருமால் பெருமைக்கு நிகரில்லை எனவே பெருமானே போதும் வேறெதுவும் வேண்டியதில்லை என்று நினைத்து, பச்சை மாமலைபோல் மேனி ! பவள வாய்க் கமலச் செங்கண், அச்சுதா ! அமரா ! ஆயர்தம் கொழுந்தே எனும் இச்சுவை பெறினும் வேண்டேன் அரங்கமா நகருளானே  என்று நெஞ்சுருகி பாடினார்.
ஸ்ரீரங்கத்துப்பெருமாளுக்கு சேவை செய்வதற்காக கோயிலிலேயே தோட்டம் அமைத்து பூக்களை பறித்து பெருமாளுக்கு தினமும் மாலை தொடுத்து கொடுப்பார். அதன் பின் பிற வீடுகளுக்கு  சென்று உணவு வாங்கி அருந்துவார். இவருக்கு ஆண் பெண் என்ற வித்தியாசம் எல்லாம் கிடையாது. அனைவரிடமும் சமமாக பழகுவார். இதை சோதிக்க நினைத்தார் பரந்தாமன்.
திருக்கரம்பனூரில் தேவி, தேவதேவி என இரு தாசிகள் இருந்தனர். இவர்கள் உறையூர் அரசசபையில் ஆடி பாடி பரிசுகள் பல பெற்று திரும்பும் வழியில் விப்பிர நாராயணரின் தோட்டத்தின் அழகில் மயங்கி அதை பராமரிப்பவர் சந்திக்க சென்றார்கள். ஆனால் இவர்கள் வந்ததையோ, இவர்களது  பேச்சையோ கவனிக்காமல் பெருமாளுக்கு பூமாலை தொடுப்பதிலேயே கவனமாக இருந்தார். இவரது கவனத்தை திருப்பி தன் மீது எப்போதும் மாறாத அன்புவைக்க சபதம் ஏற்றாள். அதேபோல் பெருமாளுக்கு தானும் சேவை செய்வதாக கூறி கொஞ்சம் கொஞ்சமாக விப்பிர நாராயணரின் மனதில் இடம் பிடித்தார். தேவதேவி இல்லாமல் தான் இல்லை என்ற நிலைக்கு மாறி விட்டார்.
தன் குடும்பத்தை பார்க்க சென்ற தேவதேவியுடன் விப்பிரநாராயணனும் சென்றார். அவரிடம் இருந்த செல்வம் எல்லாம் தீர்ந்ததால் தேவ தேவியில் தாயாருக்கு அவர் மீது வெறுப்பு ஏற்பட்டது. எனவே வெளியே சென்று தோட்டத்தில் அமர்ந்தார். அப்போது பெருமாள் ஒரு பொன் கிண்ணத்தை விப்பிர நாராயணன் கொடுத்ததாக தேவதேவியின் தாயாரிடம் கொடுத்தார். மறுநாள் கோயிலில் தங்ககிண்ணம் காணாமல் தேவதேவியின் தாயாரையும், விப்பிரநாராயணனையும் விசாரித்து விட்டு இவரை மட்டும் சிறையிலடைத்தான் மன்னன். மன்னனின் கனவில் பெருமாள் தோன்றி விப்பிரநாராயணனின் பெருமைகளை கூறி அவரை விடுவிக்க கூறினார். அதன்பின் விப்பிரநாராயணன் தொண்டரடிப்பொடியாழ்வாராக நெடுங்காலம் பெருமாளை  பாடி இறைவனுடன் கலந்தார்.  பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் தொண்டரடி பொடியாழ்வார் தனியாக மங்களாசாசனம் செய்யாமல் , பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து மொத்தம் 2 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

8. திருமங்கையாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : திருக்குறையலூர் ( நாகப்பட்டினம் மாவட்டமசீர்காழி அருகில்)
தந்தை : ஆலிநாடுடையார்
தாய் : வல்லித்திரு அம்மையார்
பிறந்த காலம் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு நளஆண்டு கார்த்திகை மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : கார்த்திகை க்ருத்திகை (பவுர்ணமி திதி)
கிழமை : வியாழன்
எழுதிய நூல் : பெரிய திருமொழி, திருக்குறுந்தாண்டகம், திருநெடுந்தாண்டகம், திருஎழுகூற்றிருக்கை,  பெரிய திருமடல், சிறிய   திருமடல்.
பாடிய பாடல் : 1253
சிறப்பு : திருமாலின் சார்ங்கம் என்ற வில்லின் அம்சமாக பிறந்தவர், மன்னனாகப் பிறந்து பக்தி மார்க்கத்தில் திளைத்தவர்.
பிற பெயர்கள் : ஆலிநாடன், கலியன், நாலுகவிப்பெருமாள், அருள்மாரி, மங்கையர்கோன், பரகாலன்
பெற்றோர்கள் இவருக்கு நீலன் என்று பெயரிட்டனர். இவரது வீரத்தில் மகிழ்ந்த மன்னன், நீலனை தன் படைத்தளபதி ஆக்கியதுடன், திருவாலி நாட்டின் மன்னனாகவும் ஆக்கினான்.
அமங்கலை என்ற தேலோக கன்னி, கபில முனிவரின் சாபத்தால் பூமியில் குமுதவல்லி நாச்சியார் என்ற பெயரில் வளர்ந்து வந்தாள். இவளது புகழையும், அறிவையும் கேள்விப்பட்ட  திருமங்கைஆழ்வார் இவளைத்திருமணம் செய்ய விரும்பினார். விஷ்ணுவின் பக்தையான குமுதவல்லியோ தன்னை திருமணம் செய்ய வேண்டுமானால் தினமும் ஆயிரத்தெட்டு வைணவர்களுக்கு அமுது படைக்க வேண்டும் என்ற நிபந்தனை விதித்தாள். நிபந்தனையின் பேரில்  அமுது படைத்து, படைத்து அரண்மனையின் நிதி நிலை சரிந்தது. வழக்கமாக சோழமன்னனுக்கு கப்பம் கேட்டு வந்த ஏவலர்களிடம் தன் நிலையை கூறி அனுப்பி விட்டார். கோபமடைந்த மன்னன் அமைச்சர்களுடன் தன் படையை அனுப்பி ஆழ்வாரை பிடித்து வரும்படி கூறினான். ஆனால் அனைவரும் விரட்டியடிக்கப்பட்டனர்.
எனவே மன்னனே பெரும் படையுடன் சென்றான். ஆனாலும் ஆழ்வார் அவர்களை புறமுதுகிட்டு ஓடச்செய்தார். ஆழ்வாரின் வீரத்தில் மகிழ்ந்த மன்னன் அவரிடம் நேரில் சென்று பேச்சுப்படி கப்பம் கட்டுவதே சிறந்தது. அதுவரை என் கைதியாக கோயிலில் தங்கியிரு என்றார். மன்னன் கூறியபடி ஆழ்வாரும் மூன்றுநாட்கள் எதுவும் சாப்பிடாமல் கோயிலில் தங்கியிருந்தார். பசி மயக்கத்தில் தூங்கிய ஆழ்வாரின் கனவில் தோன்றிய காஞ்சிபுரத்து பெருமாள். தன் சேவைக்கு வந்தால் அவரது கடன் தீர்க்கும் வகையில் பொருளுதவி செய்வதாக கூறினார். மன்னனின் அனுமதிபெற்று படையினருடன் காஞ்சிபுரம் சென்ற ஆழ்வார், பெருமாள் கூறிய இடத்தில் தோண்டவும், பெரும் புதையல் இருந்தது. அதை எடுத்து மன்னனுக்குரிய கடனை அடைத்து விட்டு மீதியை அமுது படைக்க வைத்துக்கொண்டார். இதையறிந்த மன்னன் ஆழ்வாரைப் பணிந்து, பணத்தை திருப்பிக்கொடுத்து அமுது படைக்கவைத்துக் கொள்ள கூறினார். இந்தப்பணமும் தீர்ந்து போகவே, ஆழ்வார் தன் அமைச்சர்களுடன் பணக்காரர்களிடம் கொள்ளையடித்து அமுதுபடைத்து வந்தார். ஒரு முறை நாராயணன் லட்சுமி தேவியுடன் மணக்கோலத்தில் வந்தார். ஆழ்வார் தன் படையினருடன் அவர்களை மிரட்டி அவர்களது நகைகளை பெற்றுக்கொண்டார். ஆனால் தன் கால் விரல் மோதிரத்தை மட்டும் நாராயணன் கழட்டவில்லை. ஆழ்வாரும் மோதிரத்தை கழட்டும்படி கூறியதற்கு, என்னால் முடியவில்லை முடிந்தால் நீயே கழட்டிக்கொள் என்றார் நாராயணன். அதேபோல் ஆழ்வாரும் குனிந்து தன் பற்களால் விரலைக்கடித்து மோதிரத்தை இழுத்தார். அப்போது நாராயணன் ஆழ்வாரின் காதுகளில் நாராயண மந்திரத்தை உபதேசித்தார். வந்திருப்பது நாராயணன் என்பதை அறிந்த ஆழ்வார் மண்டியிட்டு மன்னிப்பு கேட்டார். ஆழ்வார் திருடனாக இருந்தாலும் தன் உணவுக்கு கூட அதை எடுக்காமல் யாசித்து சாப்பிட்டார்.
பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் தனியாக சென்று 46 கோயில்களையும், மற்ற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து 36 கோயில்களையும் என மொத்தம் 82 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.  12 ஆழ்வார்களில் இவர்தான் அதிக பெருமாள் திருத்தலங்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளவர் என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது. இவரது வரலாற்றில் ஒரு சிறப்பு என்னவென்றால் இவர் மொத்தம் 82 பெருமாள் கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்திருந்தாலும், தான் பிறந்த சொந்த ஊரான திருக்குறையலூரில் உள்ள பெருமாள் கோயிலை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்யவில்லை என்பது குறிப்பிடத்தக்கது.
திருமங்கை ஆழ்வார் தனியாக சென்று மங்களாசாசனம் செய்த கோயில்கள்-46

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

9. திருப்பாணாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : உறையூர் (திருச்சி)
பிறந்த காலம் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு, துன்மதி ஆண்டு கார்த்திகை மாதம்.
நட்சத்திரம் : கார்த்திகை ரோகிணி (வளர்பிறை துவிதியை திதி)
கிழமை : புதன்
எழுதிய நூல் : அமலனாதிபிரான்
பாடிய பாடல் : 10
சிறப்பு : திருமாலின் ஸ்ரீவத்சத்தின் அம்சம்
பிற பெயர்கள் : பாணர், யோகிவாஹநர், முநிவாஹநர்
இவர் தினமும்  கையில் வீணையேந்தி காவிரியாற்றின் தென்கரைக்கு செல்வார். அங்கிருந்தபடியே ஸ்ரீரங்கப்பெருமாளை நோக்கி பாடுவார்.
ஒருமுறை இப்படி பெருமாளை நோக்கி பாடிக்கொண்டிருக்கும் போது சாரங்கமுனி  என்பவர் பெருமாளை நீராட்ட பொற்குடத்தில் நீர் எடுத்து  சென்றார். அப்போது, தான் செல்வதற்காக கைதட்டி திருப்பாணரை விலக கூறினார். பெருமானின் நினைப்பிலேயே இருந்ததால் சாரங்க முனிவர் கூப்பிட்டதை திருப்பாணர் கவனிக்க வில்லை. இதனால் கோபம் கொண்ட சாரங்கமுனி திருப்பாணரை கல்லால் எறிந்து அவர் தலையில் ரத்தம் வர செய்தார்.
இதன்பின் பொற்குடத்தில் இருந்த நீரை எடுத்து பெருமாளுக்கு அபிஷேகம் செய்ய சாரங்கமுனி முயன்றபோது பெருமாளின் தலையில் ரத்தம் வருவதை பார்த்து துடித்தார். இதற்கான காரணத்தை அறிய முடியாததால், ஏதும் சாப்பிடாமல் உறங்கி விட்டார். பெருமாள் சாரங்கமுனி கனவில் தோன்றி ஆற்றின் கரையில் நின்று  என்னைப்பாடிக்கொண்டிருந்த திருப்பாணரை கல்லால் தாக்கினாய். என் உள்ளம் உண்மையான பக்தனான திருப்பாணர் மீது இருந்ததால், அவன் மீது எறிந்த கல் என் மீது பட்டது.
எனவே திருப்பாணரிடம் சென்று மன்னிப்பு கேட்டு, அவனை தோள்மீது  சுமந்து கோயிலுக்கு வந்து என்னை தரிசனம் செய்ய வைப்பாயாக என்று பெருமாள் கூறி மறைந்தார். பெருமானின் உத்தரவுப்படி சாரங்கமுனி திருப்பாணரை தோளில் சுமந்து பெருமாளை தரிசனம் செய்ய வைத்தார். இதுதான் வரை பெருமாளை பார்த்திராத திருப்பாணர் பெருமாளின் பாதம் முதல் உச்சி வரை பார்த்து மகிழ்ந்தார். இந்த மகிழ்ச்சியில் தான்.
கொண்டல் வண்ணனைக் கோவலனாய் வெண்ணெய்
உண்ட வாயன் என் உள்ளங் கவர்ந்தானை
அண்டா கோனணி அரங்னென் னமுதினைக்
கண்ட கண்கள்மற் றொன்றினைக் காணாயே
என்று பத்துப்பாசுரங்களையும் பாடிமுடித்தார். திருப்பாணாழ்வார் கடைசிப்பாகத்தில் அரங்கண் என் அமுதினைக் கண்ட கண்கள் மற்ற ஒன்றினைக் காணாவே என்ற இறுதி அடியைப்பாடி முடித்ததுமே அனைவரும் காணும்படி பெருமாளின் திருவடிகளில் சரணடைந்து தோன்றாத்தன்மை பெற்று இவ்வுலகை விட்டு மறைந்தார்.
பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் திருப்பாணாழ்வார் தனியாக மங்களாசாசனம் செய்யாமல் , பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து மொத்தம் 3 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

10. குலசேகர ஆழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : திருவஞ்சைக்களம் (கோழிக்கோடு அருகில்)
பிறந்த நாள் : எட்டாம் நூற்றாண்டு, பராபவ ஆண்டு மாசி மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : மாசி புனர்பூசம், (வளர்பிறை துவாதசி திதி)
கிழமை : வெள்ளி
தந்தை : திட விரதன்
எழுதிய நூல் : பெருமாள் திருமொழி
பாடிய பாடல் : 105
சிறப்பு : மன்னனின் மகனாய் பிறந்து பக்தி மார்க்கத்தில் திளைத்தவர். (கவுஸ்துபாம்சம்)
பிற பெயர்கள் : கொல்லிகாவலன், கூடல்நாயகன், கோழிக்கோன், சேரலர்கோன், வில்லவர்கோன்

திருமாலின் திருவருளால் சேர மன்னன் திடவிரதன் என்பவனுக்கு  கவுஸ்து அம்சமாக குலசேகராழ்வார் அவதரித்தார்.
தனது தந்தைக்குப்பின் சேரநாட்டை மிகவும் சிறப்பான ஆட்சி செய்தார். இவரது சிறப்பான ஆட்சி கண்டு பொறாமைப்பட்டு இவருடன் போருக்கு வந்த சோழ, பாண்டிய மன்னர்களை வென்று, தமிழகத்தை ஒரே ஆட்சியின் கீழ் கொண்டு வந்தார். இவரது வீரத்தை கண்ட பாண்டியமன்னன் தன் மகளை இவருக்கு திருமணம் செய்து வைத்தார்.
வீரம், போர், நான், எனது என்ற அகங்காரத்துடன் இருந்த குலசேகராழ்வாரின் மனதில் திருமால் புகுந்து, மாயையை விலக்கி தன் மீது மட்டும் நேசம் உடையடவராக மாற்றினாõர். இதனால் மனம் மாறிய குலசேகராழ்வார் இது நாள் வரை தான் செய்து வந்த அற்பத்தனமான செயல்களை நினைத்து வருந்தினார். அத்துடன் நாளுக்கு நாள் நாராயணன் மீது அளவுகடந்த அன்பும் பக்தியும் மிகுதியானது. இந்த அன்பையும் பக்தியையும்,
செந்தழலே வந்து அழலைச்
செய்திடினும் செங்கமலம்
அந்தரம் சேர் வெம்கதிரோறரு
அல்லால் அலராவால்;
வெம்துயம் வீட்டாவிடினும் விற்
றுவக் கோட்டு அம்மானே ! உன்
அந்தம் இல்சீர்க்கு அல்லால்
சுகம் குழைய மாட்டேனே
என்று பாடி அதன் படி வாழ்ந்தும் வந்தார். அத்துடன் நாள்தோறும் வைணவப் பெரியவர் மூலம் ராமாயணக் கதைகளை கேட்டும் வந்தார். ராமாயணக்கதை கேட்ட போது ராமர் சீதையைக் மீட்க அரக்கர்களுடன் போர் புரிந்தார் என்பதை கேட்ட போது உணர்ச்சிவசப்பட்டு அந்த அரக்கர்களுடன் சண்டை போ தன் படையை தயார் செய்தவர். இப்படி பெருமாள் மீது அதிக ஈடுபாடு கொண்டிருந்த மன்னர், ஒருநாள் திடீரென தன் நாட்டை ஆளும் பொறுப்பை தன் மகனிடம் ஒப்படைத்து விட்டு பெருமானை தரிசிப்பதற்காக ஸ்ரீரங்கம், திருப்பதி, காஞ்சிபுரம் போன்ற திருத்தலங்களுக்கு யாத்திரை சென்றார்.
இவர் பெருமாள் மேல் பாடிய பாசுரங்களுக்கு பெருமாள் திருமொழி என்று பெயர், இவர் தன் வாழ்நாள் முழுவதும் பெருமாளை பூமாலையாலும் பாமாலையாலும் பூஜை செய்தார். இந்த நிலையில் திருநெல்வேலி மாவட்டம் மன்னார்கோயில் சென்று பெருமாளை தரிசித்து நிற்கும் போது இறைவன் பேரருளால் இவ்வுலகை விட்டு வைகுண்டம் சேர்ந்தார். பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் குலசேகர ஆழ்வார் தனியாக சென்று 1 கோயிலையும், பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து 7 கோயில்களையும் என மொத்தம் 8 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

11. நம்மாழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : ஆழ்வார் திருநகரி(தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம்)
தந்தை : காரி
தாய் : உடையநங்கை
பிறந்த நாள் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டின் முற்பகுதி, வைகாசி 12
நட்சத்திரம் : வைகாசி விசாகம் (பவுர்ணமி திதி)
கிழமை : வெள்ளி
எழுதிய நூல் : பெரிய திருவந்தாதி, திருவிருத்தம், திருவாசிரியம்,திருவாய்மொழி
பாடல்கள் : 1296
சிறப்பு : திருமாலின் படைத்தலைவரான விஷ்வக்சேனரின்  அம்சம்
பிற பெயர்கள் : மாறன், ஸடகோபன், குருகையர்கோன், வகுளாபரணன், பராங்குஸன்
வைணவத்தில் ஆழ்வார் என்றாலே அது நம்மாழ்வரைத் தான் குறிக்கும்.
வடமொழியின் ரிக், யஜூர், சாம, அதர்வண வேதங்களுக்கு ஒப்பான திருவாய் மொழி உள்ளிட்ட நான்கு தமிழ் பிரபந்தங்களை அருளியவர் நம்மாழ்வார்.
ஆழ்வார் அவதரிக்கும் போது ஆத்ம ஞானத்தை மறைக்கிறசடம் என்னும் காற்று தம்மை நெருங்க அதனைக் கோபித்துக் கொண்டார். அதனாலேயே இவருக்கு சடகோபன் என்கிற பெயர் உண்டாயிற்று. மேலும் இவருக்கு பராங்குரர், வகுளாபரணர் என்ற பெயர்களும் உண்டு ஆழ்வார் பிறந்த போதிலிருந்தே பால் உண்ணாமலும், அழாமலும், சிரிக்காமலும், வளர்ந்து வந்தார். இதனால் பெற்றோர் மிகவும் வருந்தினர். திருவநந்தாழ்வான் திருப்புளிமரமாக வளர்ந்திருக்க அந்த மரத்தடியில் தொட்டில் கட்டி மாறன் என்ற பெயரிட்டு அங்கேயே விட்டுப்போனார்கள். ஆழ்வாரும் திருப்புளி மரத்தில் குகை போன்ற பொந்தில் பதினாறு வருஷங்களை கழித்தார்.
திருமாலுக்குரிய திவ்விய தேசங்களில் 37 திவ்விய தேசங்களுக்கு மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார். அயோத்தியில் இருந்த மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார் தெற்கே வந்து நம்மாழ்வாரை வணங்கி அவருக்கு சேவை செய்து வந்தார். நம்மாழ்வார் பெருமானின் குணங்களை சொல்ல சொல்ல மதுர கவியாழ்வார் எழுதுவார். நம்மாழ்வார் அனுபவித்து சொல்லும் பொழுது மயக்கம் அடைந்து விடுவார். அப்பொழுதெல்லாம் மதுரகவியாழ்வார் தான் இவரை மயக்கம் தெளிவிப்பார்.
நம்மாழ்வார் மக்களுக்கு தொண்டு செய்வதற்காகவே இவ்வுலக வாழ்க்கையை வேண்டினார். இப்பொழுதும் ஆழ்வார் திருநகரியில் இவர் தவம் செய்த புனித புளியமரம் உள்ளது.
பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் நம்மாழ்வார் தனியாக சென்று 16 கோயில்களையும், பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து 19 கோயில்களையும் என மொத்தம் 35 கோயில்களை மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

12. மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார்
டிசம்பர் 13,2011

Temple images

பிறந்த இடம் : திருக்கோளூர் (தூத்துக்குடி மாவட்டம்)
பிறந்த நாள் : 9ம் நூற்றாண்டின் முற்பகுதி, சித்திரை மாதம்
நட்சத்திரம் : சித்திரை சித்திரை, (வளர்பிறை சதுர்த்தசி திதி)
கிழமை : வெள்ளி
எழுதிய நூல் : நான்முகன் திருவந்தாதி
பாடல்கள் : 96
சிறப்பு : ஆழ்வாராயிருந்து இன்னொரு ஆழ்வாரைப் பாடிய பேறு பெற்றவர், நம்மாழ்வாரைப் புகழ்ந்தவர். (வைநதேயாம்சம்)
பிற பெயர்கள் : இன்கவியார், ஆழ்வார்க்கடியான்
கருடாழ்வாரின் அம்சமாக திருக்கோளூர் என்ற திவ்யதேசத்தில் அவதரித்தவர் மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார். செவிக்கு இனிமையாக செஞ்சொற்களால் கவிதை பாடும் வல்லவர் ஆதலால் இவர் மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார் என புகழப்பட்டார். ஒருமுறை இவர் அயோத்தியில் உள்ள ராமபிரானை வணங்கிவிட்டு அங்கேயே சிலகாலம் தங்கினார். ஒருநாள் தான் பிறந்த திருக்கோளூர் பெருமானை தென்திசை நோக்கி வணங்கும்போது வானத்தில் ஒரு ஜோதி தெரிவதைக் கண்டார். தொடர்ந்து அடுத்தடுத்த நாட்களும் அந்தத் தென்திசை நோக்கிப் புறப்பட்டார். ஆழ்வார் திருநகரி வந்தவுடன் அந்த ஜோதியைக் காணாத ஆழ்வார், அந்த ஊர் மக்களிடம் இந்த ஊரின் சிறப்பு என்ன எனக் கேட்டார். ஊர் மக்களும், அந்த ஊர் புளிய மரத்தினுள் பத்மாசனத்தில் சின் முத்திரையோடு அமர்ந்திருக்கும் நம்மாழ்வாரைப் பற்றி கூறினார்கள்.
நம்மாழ்வாரின் முன் சென்ற மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார், நம்மாழ்வாருக்கு காது கேட்குமா என அறிய ஒரு குண்டுக்கல்லை தூக்கிப்போட்டார். அந்த சத்தத்தால்  நம்மாழ்வார் கண் விழித்தார். இவர் நம்மிடம் பேசுவாரா என்பதை அறிய செத்த பின் வயிற்றிலே சிறியது பிறந்தால் எத்தைத் தின்று எங்கே கிடைக்கும் ? (உயிரில்லாததான உடம்பில் ஆத்மா வந்து புகுந்து எதனைஅனுபவித்து எங்கே இருக்கும் ?) எனக் கேட்டார். அதற்கு, பிறந்தது முதல் பெற்றவர்களிடம்கூட பேசாத நம்மாழ்வார், மதுரகவி ஆழ்வாரிடம் அத்தைத் தின்று அங்கேயே கிடக்கும் (அந்த உடலின் தொடர்பால் ஏற்படும் இன்ப துன்பங்களை அனுபவித்தபடி அங்கேயே இருக்கும்) என்று பதில் உரைத்தார். மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார், தன்னை ஆட்கொள்ளுமாறு நம்மாழ்வாரிடம் வேண்ட அவரும் நம் பிரபந்தங்களை ஓலைப்படுத்தும்படி ஆணையிட்டார். நம்மாழ்வார் காலத்துக்குப் பின் அவரது விக்ரகத்தை ஆழ்வார் திருநகரியில் எழுந்தருளச் செய்தார்.
மதுரைத் தமிழ்ச் சங்கத்துப் புலவர்கள் நம்மாழ்வாரை வாதத்திற்கு அழைத்தனர். அவர் இல்லாததால்  மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார், முன்னூறு சங்கப்புலவர்கள் ஏறிய சங்கப்பலகையில் நம்மாழ்வார், பாடிய ஓலையை வைத்தவுடன் பலகை கவிழ்ந்தது. அனைத்துப்புலவர்களும் பொற்றாமரைக்குளத்துக்குள் விழுந்துவிட்டனர். நம்மாழ்வார் பகவானின் அம்சம் என்பதை சங்கப்புலவர்கள் உணர்ந்தனர். மதுரகவி, ஆழ்வார் தம் குருவான நம்மாழ்வாரின் பெருமைகளையும் பிரபந்தங்களையும் உலகெங்கும் பரப்பி உயர்வுற்றார்.
பெருமாளின் 108 திருப்பதிகளில் மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார் தனியாக மங்களாசாசனம் செய்யாமல் , பிற ஆழ்வார்களுடன் சேர்ந்து ஒரு கோயிலை மட்டும் மங்களாசாசனம் செய்துள்ளார். அந்தக்கோயிலிலும் பெருமானைக் கூடபாடாத மதுரகவி ஆழ்வார் தன் குருவான நம்மாழ்வாரைப் போற்றி கண்ணிநுன் சிறுத்தாம்பு என்ற திவ்ய பிரபந்தத்தை பாடினார்.

 தினமலர் முதல் பக்கம்  கோயில் முதல் பக்கம்

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Jaya Jaya Sri Sudarsana !

Srivaishnava Divya Desa Mangalasasana Pasurams sung by 12 Azhwars (Alwars), Each Kshetram wise - Pasuram number given with Azhwar's name. The Pasurams can be had from this website's DivyaPrabhandam Links provided in the above drop down menu, under Religion > Divya Prabandham. A brief note on Azhwars and the Number of pasuram list can be had from here.

The Manglasasana Pasurams for Each kshetram by Azhwars are listed here. The number refers to the respective pasuram List of the Divya Prabhandam that can be had from this link. I am thankful to Mr. B. R. G. Iyengar for his efforts in compiling the following list of Pasurams sung by Azhwars on Each Kshetram.

Serial Number and KshetramName of AzhwarsComposition & Pasuram Numbers
Chozhanadu Thirupathigal
001. SrirangamPoigaiazhwarMudal Thiruvandathi - 6
BoothatalwarIrandamT.Andadi - 28, 46, 70, 88
PeyazhwarMoonraam T.Andadi - 62
Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhan T.Andadi - 3, 30, 36, 60
Tiruchandavirutham 21, 49-55, 93, 119
NammazhwarTiruvirutham 28
Thiruvoimozhi 7-2-1 to 11
Kulasekara AzhwarPerumalThirumozhi 1-1to 11, 2-1 to10 , 3-1 to 9
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 4-8-1 to 10, 4-9- 1 to 11, 4-10-1 to 10
AndalNachiarThirumozhi 11-1 to 10
TondaradippodialwarTirumalai 1 to 45
Tiruppallieluchi 1 to 10
TiruppanalwarAmalanadippiran 1 to 10
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 5-4-1 to 5-8-10
002. VaraiyurThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-2-5
003. TirutthanjaiBoodathazhwarIrandamT.Andad 70
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 1-1-6, 2-5--3, 7-3-9
004. TiruanbilThirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhanT.Andadi 36
005. UttamarKoil (Karambanur)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 5-6-2
006. TiruvellaraiPeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 2-8-1 to 10
Thirumangai AzhwarSiriathirumadal 37
PeriyaThirumadal 37
PeriyaThirumozhi 5-3-1 to 10, 10-1-4
007. PullumbhhothamgudiThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 5-1-1 to 5-1-10
008. Tirupper (Koiladi)Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhanT.Andadi 36
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 2-5-1, 2-6-2, 2-9-4
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 10-8-1 to 11
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 1-5-4, 5-6-2, 5-9-1 to 10, 7-6-9, 10-1-4,10-1-10
Tirunedundandakam 8, 9, 19
Tirukkrunandagam 17, 19
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 58
009. AdanurThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumadal 65 - To 78
010. Tiruvalandur (Therezhundur)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 7-5-1 to 7-8-10
Tirunedundandagam 15, 26
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 61
011. Tiruppuliyaar (Tiruchirupuliyur)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi
012. TirucheraiThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 7-4-1 to 10, 10-1-6
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 56
013. Talaichengadu (Tiruthalaichenga)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 8-9-9
PeriyaThirumadal 67
014. Tirukudanthai (Kumbakonam)BoodathazhwarIrandamT.Andadi 70, 97
PeyazhwarMoonramT.Andadi 30, 62
Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhanT.Andadi 36
Tiruchandavirutham 1
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 1-3-3, 1-7-4, 2-6-2, 2-6-6
AndalNachiarThirumozhi 2-7-7
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 5, 8-1 to 11, 8-2-6, 10-9-7
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 1-1-2, 1-1-7, 1-5-4, 2-4-1, 3-6-5, 5-5-7, 6-8-9
Tirunedundandagam 6,14
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 54
015. Tirukkandiyur (Kandanpuram)Thirumangai AzhwarTirukkurandandaham 19
016. Tiruvinnaharam (Uppiliappan koil)PeyazhwarMoonraamT.Andadi 61, 62
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 6-3-1 to 11
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 6-1-1 to 10, 6-2-1 to 10, 6-3-1 to 10, 10-1-8
Tirunedundandaham 29
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 53
017. TirukkannapuramPeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 1-6-8
AndalNachiarThirumozhi 4 -2
Kulasekara AzhwarPerumalThirumozhi 8-1 to 10
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 9-10- 1 to 11
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 8-1-1 to 8-10-10
018. TiruvaliKulasekara AzhwarPerumalThirumozhi 8-7-1
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-4-1, 3-5-1 to 3-7-10, 4-9-2, 6-8-2, 8-9-6, 8-9-8
Tirunedundandaham 12
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 67
019. Tirunagai (Nagapattinam)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-2-1 to 10
020. TirunaraiyurThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-4-1, 4-9-2, 6-4-1 to 7-3-10
Tirunedundandaham 16,17
SiriyaThirumadal 30
PeriyaThirumadal 38
021. Nandipuravinnaharam (Nathan Koil)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 5-10-1 to 10
022. Tiruvindalur (Indalur)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-9-1 to 10
PeriyaThirumadal 63
023. Tillaitirucchitrakutam (Chidambaram)PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 2-6-7
Kulasekara AzhwarPerumalThirumozhi 10-1 to 10
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 3-2-1 to 3-3-10
PeriyaThirumadal 24
024. Tirukalichiramavinnagaram ( Sirghazhi)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 3-4-1 to 10
025. KoodalurThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 5-2-1 to 10
026. TirukkannangudiThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-1-1 to 10
027. TirukkannamangaiThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 7-6-5, 7-10-1 to 10, 10-1-1, 11-6-7
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 57
028. Kapisthalam (Tirukkavitthalam)Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhanT.Andadi 50
029. TiruveliangudiThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-10-1 to 10
030. TirumanimadakoilThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 3-8-1 to 10
PeriyaThirumadal 68
031. TiruvaikuntavinnaharamThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 3-9-1 to 10
032. TiruaprameyavinnaharamThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 3-10-1 to 10
033. Tiruthevanarthohai (Madhavaperumalkoil)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-1-1 to 10
034. TiruvanpurushothamamThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-2-1 to 10
035. TiruchembonkoilThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-3- 1 to 10
036. TiruthetriambalamThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-4-1 to 10
037. TirumanikudumThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-5-1 to 10
038. TirukkavalambadiThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-6- 1 to 10
039. Tiruvellakulam (Annankoil)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-7-1 to 10
040. TiruparthanpalliPoigai AzhwarMudalT.Andadi 67
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 4-8-1 to 10
Pandyanaattu Tirupatigal
041. TirumaalirumsholaiBoodathazhwarIrandam T.Andadi 46, 48, 54
(Alahar sannidhi / Kallalahar sannidhi)PeyazhwarMoonramT.Andadi 61
PeriyazhwarPeriyalarThirumozhi 1-6-8, 3-4-5, 4-2-1 to 11, 4-3-1 to 11, 5-3-1 to 10
AndalNachiarThirumozhi 4-1-1, 9-1 to 10
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 3-10-1 to 11, 10-7-1 to 11, 10-8-1, 10-8-6
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-8-1 to 10, 9-9-1 to 10
042. Tirukkottiyur (Goshtipuram)BoodathazhwarIrandam T.Andadi 46,87
PeyazhwarMoonramT.Andadi 62
Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhan T.Andadi 34
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 1-2- 1 to 10, 4-4-1 to 11, 2-6-2
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-10-1 to 10, 10-1-9, 7-1-3
PeriyaThirumadal 63
043. TirumeyyamThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-5-8, 3-6-9, 5-5-2, 6-8-7, 8-2-3, 10-1-5, 11-7-5
Tirunedundandaham 19
044. Tirupullani (Darbhashayanam)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-3-1 to 10, 9-4-1 to 10
PeriyaThirumadal 67
045. TiruttangalBoodathazhwarIrandam T.Andadi 70
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 5-6-2
Tirunedundandaham 17
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 59
046. TirumugurNammazhwarTiruvoymozhi 10-1-1 to 10
Thirumangai AzhwarSiriyaThirumadal 39
047. TirukkudalThirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhan T.Andadi 39
(Koodal / Thenmadurai)AndalNachiarThirumozhi 4-1 to 10
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-2-5
048. SrivilliputturPeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 2-2-6
AndalNachiarThirumozhi 5-5
049. Alwartirunagari (Kurukapuri)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 4-10-1 to 10
050. Tirutollaivillimangalam (Ratte Tirupati)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 6-5-1 to 11
051.TirusirivaramangaiNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 5-7-1 to 11
(Vanamamalai,Thothadri, Naanguneri)
052. TiruppulingudiNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 9-2-1 to 11, 8-3-5
053. Tirupperai /(Tentirupparai)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 7-3-1 to 10
054. SreevaikuntamNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 9-2-4, 9-2-8
055. Varagunamangai (Nattham)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 9-2-4
056. Perumkulam (Tirukulandai)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 8-2-4
057. TirukurungudiThirumazhisai AzhwarTiruchendavirutham 62
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwarThirumozhi 1-6-8
NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 5-5-1 to 10, 1-10-9, 3-9-2
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 5-6-2, 6-3-3, 9-5-1 to 9-6-10
Tirundundandaham 14
PeriyaThirumadal 55
058. TirukkolurNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 6-7-1 to 11, 8-3-5
Keralanaattu Tirupatigal
059. Tiruvananthapuram (Ananthashayanam)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 10-2- 1 to 11
060. Tiruvanparisaram (Tirupatisaram)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 8-3-7
061. Tirukatkarai (Tentirukatkarai)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 9-6-1 to 11
062. TirumalikkalumNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 9-7-1 to 11
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 7-1-6
Tirundundandaham 10
PeriyaThirumadal 65
063. Tiruppuliyur (Kuttanadutiruppuliyur)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 8-9-1 to 11
Thirumangai AzhwarSiriyaThirumadal 39
064. Tiruchenganrur (Tiruchitraru)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 8-4- 1 to 11
065. TirunavaiNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 9-8- 1 to 11
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 6-8-3, 10-1-9
066. Tiruvella (Tiruvella vala)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 5-9-1 to 11
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 9-7- 1 to 10
PeriyaThirumadal 58
067. TiruvanvandurNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 6-1-1 to 11
068. TiruvattaruNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 10-6-1 to 11
069. Tirumittorukodu (Mittakodu,Vittavakotu)Kulasekara AzhwarPerumalThirumozhi 5-1 to 10
070. TirukkaditanamNammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 8-6-1 to11
071. Tiruvaranvilai (Aramula)NammazhwarThiruvoymozhi 7-10-1 to 11
Nadunaattu Tirupatigal
072. TiruvahindrapuramThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 3-1-1 to 10
073. Tirukkovalur*PoigaiazhwarMudal T.Andadi 1-100 
*BoothatazhwarIrandam T.Andadi 1-100
*PeyazhwarMoonram T.Andadi 1-100
*The first 100s of the three Andadis were sung here.
Thondadesa Tirupatigal
074. Atthigiri (Hastigiri - Kaanchipuram)BoodathazhwarIrandamT.Andadi 2
PeyazhwarMoonramT.Andadi 1
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 6-10-4
Tirukurandandam 19
Tirunedundandaham 1
075. AstabhujaperumalkoilPeyazhwarMoonram T.Andadi 99
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-8-1 to 10
PeriyaThirumadal 64
076. Tiruttanka (Deepaprakasankoil)NammazhwarTiruvirutham 26
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 10-1-1
Tirunedundandaham 14
077. Velukkai (Kamasikaperumalkoil)PeyazhwarMoonram T.Andadi 26, 34, 62
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumadal 63
078. Tiruppatakam (Pandavathootarkoil)BoodathazhwarIrandam T.Andadi 94
PeyazhwarMoonramT.Andadi 30
Thirumazhisai AzhwarTiruchendavirutham 63, 64
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 6-10-4
PeriyaThirumadal 63
079. TiruneerakamThirumangai AzhwarTirunedundandaham 8
080. Tirunilathingal thundamThirumangai AzhwarTirunedundandaham 8
Tiruooragam (Ulagalandaperumalkoil)Thirumazhisai AzhwarTiruchendavirutham63, 64
Thirumangai AzhwarTirunedundandaham 8, 13
SiriyaThirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 63
082. TiruveqaPoigai AzhwarMudal T.Andadi 77
PeyazhwarMoonram T.Andadi 26, 62, 64, 76
Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhanT.Andadi 36
Tiruchendavirutham 63, 64
NammazhwarTiruvirutham 26
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-6-5, 10-1-7
Siriya Tirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 64
083. TirukkarakamThirumangai AzhwarTirunedundandaham 8
084. TirukkaravanamThirumangai AzhwarTirunedundandaham 8
085. TirukkalvanurThirumangai AzhwarTirunedundandaham 8
086. TiruppavalavannamThirumangai AzhwarTirunedundandaham 9
087. Paramechuravinnaharam (Vaikuntaperumalkoil)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-9- 1 to 10
088. TiruputkuzhiThirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-7-8
PeriyaThirumadal 57
089. Tiruninravur (Thinnanur)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-5-2, 7-10-5
090. Tiruvellur (Tiruevvul)Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhanT.Andadi 36
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-2-1 to 10
PeriyaThirumadal 57
091. Tiruneermalai (Thoyachalam)BoodathazhwarIrandam T.Andadi
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-4-1 to 10
092. Tiruvidavendai (Tiruvidunthai)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi
093. TirukadanmallaiBoodathazhwarIrandam T.Andadi 70
(Maamallapuram. Mahabalipuram)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-5-1 to 10, 2-6-1 to 10, 3-5-8, 7-1-4
Tirukurandandam 19
Tirunedundandaham 9
Siriya Tirumadal 39
PeriyaThirumadal 58
094. Tiruvallikeni (Triplicane)PeyazhwarMoonram T.Andadi 16
Thirumazhisai AzhwarNaanmuhanT.Andadi 35
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriyaThirumozhi 2-3-1 to 10, 8-9-4, 8-9-9, Siriya Tirumadal 39
PeyazhwarMoonram T.Andadi 61
Vadanadu Tirupatigal
096. Tiruvengadam (Tirupati)Poygai AlwarMudal Thiruvandadi 5, 26, 28, 37, 38, 39, 40, 53, 58, 64, 65, 68, 74, 76, 77, 82, 99
Bhoodataazhwar4Irandaam Thiruvandadi 25, 28, 33, 45, 46, 53, 54, 70, 72, 75
Pey AlwararMoonram T.andadi 14, 26, 30, 32, 39, 40, 45, 58, 61, 62, 63, 68, 69, 70, 71,72, 
73, 75, 89, 90, 91, 92, 93, 94
Thirumazisai AlwarNaanmuhan Thiruvandadi 31, 34, 39-48, 90; Thiruchanda Viruttam 48, 60, 81
PeriyalwarThirumozhi 1.5.3, 1.9.8, 2.6.9. 2.7.3, 2.9.6, 3.3.4, 5.4.1
AndalNachiyaar Thirumozhi 1.1, 1.3, 4.2, 5.2, 8.1-8.10, 10.5, 10.8
Thiruppan AlwarAmalanadipiran 1, 3
Kulasekhara AlwarPerumal Thirumozhi 4.1-4.11
NammalwarThiruvoimozhi 1.8.3, 2.6.9-10, 2.7.11, 3.3 (full),3.5.8, 3.9.1, 4.5.11,6.6 (full),
6.9.5, 6.10 (full),8.2.1, 9.3.8, 10.5.6, 10.7.8
Tiruviruttam 8, 10, 15, 31, 50, 60, 67, 81
Periya Thiruvandathi 68
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 1.8 (full), 2.1 (full), 3.5.9, 4.3.8, 4.7.5, 5.3.4, 5.5.1, 5.6.7, 6.8.1,
7.1.3, 7.3.5, 7.10.3, 8.2.3, 9.7.4, 9.9.9, 10.1.2, 10.9.2, 10.10.5, 11.3.7, 11.5.10
Tirukkurundandakam 7
Tirunedundandakam 16
Siriya Tirumadal 39
Periya Tirumadal 62
097. Ahobilam (Singavelkunram)Tirumangai AlwarPeriya Thirumozhi 1-7-1 to 10
098. TiruAyodhya (Ayodhya)PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 3-9-6, 8-10, 3-10-4, 8-4-7, 9
Kulasekhara AlwarPerumal Thirumozhi 8-6-7, 10-1-8
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 10-3-8
099. NaimisharanyamThirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi1-6-1 to 10
100. Tirusaligramam (Saligramam)PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 2-9-5, 4-7-9
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 1-5-1 to 10
101. Tiruvadari (Badarikashram)PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 4-7-9
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 1-3-1 to 10, 1-4-1 to 10
Siriya Tirumadal 39
102. Tirukkandan (Devaprayag / Ghatinagar)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 4-7-1 to 11
103. Tiruppiriti (Joshimutt / Nandaprayag)Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 1-2-1 to 10
104. Thuvarai (Dwaraka)Thirumazisai AzhwarNaanmuhan Thiruvandadi 71
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 4-1-6, 4-7-8, 94-9-4, 5-4-10
AndalNachiyaar Thirumozhi 4-8, 9-8, 12-9
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 5-3-6
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 6-6-7, 6-8-7
105. Vadamadurai (Govardhan / Mathura)PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 3-6-3, 4-7-9, 4-10-8
AndaalTiruppavai 5
Nachiyaar Thirumozhi 4-5-6, 6-5, 7-3, 12-1
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 7-10-1, 8-5-9, 9-1- t o11
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 6-7-5, 6-8-10, 9-9-6
Siriya Tirumadal 39
106. Tiruaypadi (Gokul)PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 2-2-5, 2-3-7, 3-4-10
AndaalNachiyaar Thirumozhi 12-2, 13-10
Eternal Abodes
107. Tirupparkadal (Ksheerabdisagaram)Poigai AzhwarMudal Thiruvandathi 25
BhoothataazhwarIrandaam Thiruvandathi 3, 28
PeyazhwarMoonram Thiruvandathi 11, 31, 32, 61
Thirumazisai AzhwarNaanmuhan Thiruvandathi 3, 36
Tiruchanda Viruttam 17, 18, 23, 28, 29
Kulasekhara AzhwarPerumal Thirumozhi 2-8, 4-4
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 2-6-2, 4-10-5, 5-1-2, 5-1-7, 5- 4-9, 5-10-2
AndaalTiruppavai 2
Nachiyaar Thirumozhi 2-3, 5-7
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 2-5-7, 2-6-5, 3-6-3, 3-7-1, 4-3-3, 5-3-7, 6-9-5, 8-1-8, 8-2-8, 8-5-4
Tiruvirutham 79
PeriyaT.Andadi 34, 77
Thirumangai AzhwarPeriya Thirumozhi 1-6-6, 1-6-9, 1-8-2, 3-5-2, 5-4-2, 5-6-1, 5-7-6, 7-1-3, 7-4-10,
8-10-7, 9-6-2, 9-9-1, 10-1-3, 11-5-10
Tirunedundandakam 9,15
108. Paramapadam - (Vaikuntham - Tirunadu)Poigai AzhwarMudal Thiruvandathi 68-77
PeyazhwarMoonram Thiruvandathi 61
Thirumazisai AzhwarNaanmuhan Thiruvandathi 95
Tiruchanda Viruttam 48
PeriyazhwarPeriyazhwar Thirumozhi 3-6-3, 4-7-9, 5-4-10
NammazhwarThiruvoimozhi 3-10-5, 4-4-1, 5-3-9, 6-9-5, 8-2-8, 9-8-7, 10-7-3
Tiruvirutham 75
PeriyaT.Andadi 68
Note: Though this page is created with good intention to help the readers, every likelihood that there is one or two omissions in the above listing. I request the readers/visitors to point out any omissions so as to make this page complete. Thanks for your visit.

TRS Iyengar

Truthful Thirumangai Azhwar!!!

Being the Tamil month of Purattaasi, an auspicious month consecrated to Lord Vishnu, I thought it would be great if there is a post about the great Thirumangai Azhwar. There are other Azhwars who are equally worshipped as the incarnation of Lord Vishnu except Aandal who is worshipped as the incarnation of Goddess Lakshmi, but Thirumangai Azhwar inspires me a lot. His endurance in his devotion to Lord Vishnu has exalted him to the position of an Azhwar. He has travelled extensively to all the 108 Dhivya Desams, of which 106 are in this Earth and the remaining two are in the Heavenly Abode. He is said to have lived for 105 years and then attained salvation at the Lotus feet of Lord Vishnu at a place called Thirukurungudi. He has sung a majority of the songs in "The Naalayira Dhivya Prabandham", a collection of 4000 hymns, sung in praise of Lord Vishnu. His works in the Naalayira Dhivya Prabandham are Periya Thirumozhi, Thiru Kurunthaandagam, Thiru Nedunthaandagam, Thiruvelukootrarikkai, Siriya Thirumadal and the Periya Thirumadal which count to over 1200 hymns in all. He was a crude person before he became an Azhwar, same as what Valmiki was before writing the Ramayana. 

His original name is Kaliyan, born to the Army Chief Command Neelan (as Abithana Chintamani state), he was cheftain of the Chola Empire and later crowned as King by the Chola Emperor for a small kingdom called Thirumangai as a token of the friendship and the gratitude for winning the war on the enemy, and hence the name Thirumangai Mannan - subsequently Thirumangai Azhwar. He explains in his songs that he slayed innocent lives, has not even uttered kind words to the poor and needy, plundered the wealth of people and had a affinity towards women. But later when he was crowned as a King he was attracted to a great lady called Kumudhavalli, who was the main reason for Kaliyan to divert his attention to the devotion to Lord Vishnu. He wanted her in marriage, but Kumudhavalli accepted his proposal conditionally stating that she would marry only a person who feeds 1000 devotees of Lord Vishnu daily and the one who helps the construction of the Vishnu temple at Srirangam. Kaliyan agreed and Kumdhavalli married him. He ardently carried on with the tasks. And later, troubles started to crop up, his reserves started to dwindle and there was pressure from the Chola Emperor, on the dues of taxes to be paid to the Chola Empire, but Thirumangai King was very serious in completing the work of the temple he started and feed the devotees of Vishnu. And later he was imprisoned for not respecting the orders of the Chola Emperor. Later while in the prison he heard the instructions from the voice of Lord Vishnu (Lord Kariperumal) asking him to come to Kanchipuram to pay off the dues to the Emperor. He informed the Emperor about it and Lord Vishnu directed Kaliyan to the place where there was treasure and he paid the dues, but he was dethroned out of his kingdom and he wandered lonely in the forests, where he got into the company of thieves. But even at that time his intention and endurance was to complete the temple of Lord Vishnu. Before he got into the company of thieves, he begged the wealthy people in his kingdom telling the reason that he needed money to complete the temple and their help is very much needed, but in vain. Then he started the booty and started plundering from the wealthy men. His looting continued and he got a lot of wealth enough to complete the temple work.

One fine day, he planned looting a marriage party, he intimidated the people of the marriage party to put all the jewels and valuables in one place and it happened. But when he tried to lift the ransom, he could not. This suprised him as he has lifted more that what he had plundered now, but he was still struggling to move the bundle, but it didn't budge. Then, Lord Vishu and Goddess Mahalakshmi reveal themselves from the incarnation they took as a groom and the bride respectively and then he realised and fell at Lord Vishnu feet and pleaded mercy and apologies. Lord Vishnu blessed him and told that the hardships he went under were to test his endurance in his commitment and thereafter Kaliyan be called "Thirumangai Azhwar" thereby exalting him to an Azhwar. Later he got back his kingdom and wealth, and started to continue with the good deeds and devotion to Lord Vishnu. After this he sung the Periya Thirumozhi in praise of the Lord Vishnu.

The enthralling effect and the greatness of his songs are simply out of this world. In most cases, we would try to justify our faults or mistakes that we committed, but Thirumangai Azhwar accepted all his crimes, mistakes and faults at their face value without any justification offering his complete surrender to Lord Vishnu. The songs not only consist of repentance, but also the eloquence in the praise that shows the devotion and the high regard and respect he had for Lord Vishnu. This along with his endurance has exalted him to an Azhwar. Let us see some of his songs

"Kulam Tharum Selvam Thandhidum
Adiyaar Paduthuyar Aayinavellaam 
Nilandharam Seyyum Neel Visumbarulum
Arulodu Perinilam Alikkum 
Valam tharum mattrum thandhidum Petra 
Thaayinum Aayina Seyyum
Nalam Tharum Sollai Naan
Kandukondaen Narayana Ennum Naamam"

meaning, It gives you status, wealth, eliminates sorrow by demolishing them to the ground. It bestows you with lengthy heaven along with lots of land. It blesses you with strength and all sorts of good things. It does more than what a mother would do to a child. And I found that all good bestowing name, Narayana. Here land means not only the materialistic property land, but grounds on which the person is recognised.

Kulam - status
Tharum, Thandhidum - provides
Selvam - Wealth
Adiyaar - devotees
Paduthuyar - sorrow
Aayinavellaam - all of the sorrows
Nilandharam - ground level
Seyyum - Does
Neel - Lengthy
Visumbu - Heaven
Arulum - Blesses
Arulodu - Along with the blessings
Perunilam - A huge piece of land
Alikkum - Provide
Valam - Strength
Mattrum - Others
Petra Thaai - Mother who begets a child
Nalam - Goodness
Soll - Word,
Kandukondaen - Found and realised
Narayana - Lord Vishnu's name
Naamam - Name

The next songs illustrate his meekness and great devotion. His acceptance of his mistakes at their face value without any justification, but all he requests was salvation

"Vaadinaen Vaadi Varundhinaen Manaththaal
Perunthuyar Idumbaiyil Pirandhu
Koodinaen Koodi Ilayavar Thammodu
Avartharum Kalaviyae Karudhi
Odinaen Odi Uyivadhor Porulaal
Unarvenum Perum Padham Thirindhu
Naadinaen Naadi Naan Kandukondaen
Narayana Ennum Naamam"

meaning, I anguished, felt weak and sad in my heart just because I was born in this whole lot of sorrow and distress. I had friendship with the mean and cheap people, just for the mean pleasures they gave me. Then I ran and ran because of the Supreme Being changed my instincts and senses to search for the Supreme Being. Then I because of search I found the Supreme Being in the name of Lord Narayana.

"Maanei Kann Madavaar Mayakkir Pattu Maanilathu 
Naane Naanavidha Naragam Pugum Paavam Seidhaen
Thaenei Poompozhilsuzh Thiruvenkatamaa Malai Enn
Aanai Vandhadainthaen Adiyaenai Aatkondarulae"

meaning, I fell for the attractive deer like eyes of women and committed sins that will take me to all the four kinds of hell. The Lord, Lord Venkatachalapathy, of the Thiru Venkata mountains, that have flowers bearing nectar; I have come to surrender at your feet, please accept me and bless your devotee.

"Theriyaen Paalaganai Palatheemaigal Seithumittaen
Periyaen Aayinapin Pirarkae Uzhaithu Yaezhaiyaanaen
Karisaer Poompozhilsuzh Kanamaamalai Venkatava
Ariyae Vandhadainthaen Adiyaenai Aatkondarulae"

meaning, As a young child that commits mistakes, I have committed a lot of sins. And when I grew up (mental maturity), I became a poor fellow just by working for others (Feeding 1000 people daily as per Kumudhavalli's request). The Lord Venkatachalapathy, of the great mountains that have majestic elephants. Lord Hari, I have come to Tirupathi to fall at your feel, grant me an asylum in your heart and bless me.

"Kondraen Palluyirai Kurikkole Ondrillamayinaal
Endranum Irandhaarkku Inidhaga Uraiththariyaen
Kundraei Megamadhir Kulirmaamalai Venkatavaa
Andrae Vandhadaidhaen Adiyaenai Aatkondarulae"

meaning, I killed many lives aimlessly, I never spoke benignly to those who came for help. Lord Venkatachalapathy, the lord of the mountains covered with misty chill clouds, I have come then to surrender at your feet and take asylum in your heart, bless me.

As already told, the greatness of Thirumangai Azhwar was his simplicity and the attitude to accept his mistakes at their face value, and most of all his endurance and the devotion to Lord Vishnu and his incarnations. His poetic eloquence has bestowed us great songs that have to be remembered for days to come and indeed sung in all the Bramhotsavam's celebrated in Tirupathi and various other Dhivyadesams. One such eloquence is the Thiruvelukootrarikkai covered in the earlier post about Chithira Thaer in the Saarangapani temple of Kumbakonam. Thirumangai Azhwar stands as an example of how a devotion to the their God should be, whatever religion be it. Let us praise Thirumangai Azhwar during the month of Purataasi and get the blessings of Lord Vishnu.

More to come, until then...


Introduction | Biography


Alwars (in pure Tamil "AzhwAr") means "One who immerses  himself".  They really,  deeply immersed  themselves in their devotion and bhakti towards the Lord Sriya:  Pathi  Sriman  Narayanan.  The  AzhwArs  are  reported  to  be  incarnations  of  NithasUris of Sri Vaikuntam,  namely, the weapons, the Vanamaali, the GarudA, et  al.  They lived like human beings and burst out bhakti laden great works for the  sake of humanity.  The works of Alwars stood mysteriously a replica of the Vedas  themselves  and therefore came to be known as Dravida Veda.  In fact, there is a  view that even the great  Rishis  are no match to the  greatness  of the  Alwars  because  these  Rishis  got their  'jnAnam'  ( wisdom)  as a result of their own  actions of 'spiritual  merit' ( Punyam) whereas the wisdom of the Alwars was the  direct result of the Lord's divine grace and therefore  called ' Divyam'.  It is  because of this that the works of Alwars is called ' Divya  Prabandham' are 4000  poems (pAsurams). 
These works of AzhwArs are  non-paralleled  in every sense- be it in  sentiment,  style or  syntax.They  take  even a casual  reader  on a  guided  tour  into the  esoteric  exegesis of the Vedas without  offending the  provisions of exclusions  and prohibitions  enjoined in the study of the Vedas in original.  (by Sri Anbil  Ramaswamy, USA) 
AzhwAr's  paasurams (poems) called  naalaayira  dhivyap  prabhandam  composed by  twelve  AzhwArs.The  paasurams were collected and brought out by one of the much  revered Sri vaishnava AchAryAs called Sriman  Naathamuni.  By the time of sriman  Naathamuni  (9th century A.D.)  the AzhwAr  paasurams  were not lost or unknown.  It was by divine grace of Sriman  Narayanan that Sriman  Naathamuni came to know  of the Tamil poems praising Lord Vishnu.  It is believed that Sriman  Naathamuni  heard some devotees visiting his home town of VeeranaaraayaNapuram  (present day  kaattu mannaarkudi near  Mayilaadurthurai or Mayavaram) singing a few (11) Tamil  songs starting with "aaraa amudhE adiyEn udalam" and ending with 
"... kurugoor sadagOpan
kuzhalil maliyach sonna Or
aayiratthuL ippatthum,
mazhalai theera vallaar kaamar
maanEy nOkkiyarkE."
(NammAzhwAr's Thiruvaaymozhi 5.8.1 - 5.8.11) 
Sriman Naathamuni was greatly excited and enchanted with the exquisite beauty of  the poems.  He  approached  the  devotees  and  enquired  about its origin.  The  ending of the 11 poems, "aayiratthuL  ippatthu,"(means this ten of the thousand)  suggested  that  there  are  many  more  such  poems  (may be  thousand?).  This  possibility intrigued Sriman Naathamuni. 
Unfortunately,  the devotees were unaware of any other poems  besides the eleven  they had just finished  reciting.  However, they suggested to Sriman  Naathamuni  that he may try  enquiring  in the town of thiruk  kurugoor,  present day AzhwAr  thiru nagari near  thirunelvEli.  So he set out to travel from  kaattumannarkudi  to thiruk  kurugoor,  a long  journey  indeed  in his  time.  There he found one  paraangusa  daasar.  From him, Sriman Naathamuni learnt 11 more paasurams called  kaNNinuN  sirutthaambu.  These were  composed by  Madhurakavi  AzhwAr and all 11  paasurams are in praise of kurugoor  SadagOpan  (NammAzhwAr).  Sriman Naathamuni  was excited to have doubled his collection.  But this only whetted his desire to  seek out the more than 1,000,  promised in the first set of paasurams he fell in  love with at his home town. 
Paraangusa  daasar  suggested  that he  repeatedly  recite  this great  kaNNinuN  sirutthaambu  (sung in  praise  of Sri  Sadagopan-  NammAzhwAr)  in the  hope of  pleasing the Lord.  Sriman  Naathamuni took his advice  sincerely and recited it  about  12,000  times!  It is said that  NammAzhwAr  was  impressed  with  Sriman  Naathamuni's  persistence and appeared  before him.  NammAzhwAr was so impressed  that he revealed to Sriman  Naathamuni  not just the 1102  paasurams  of his own  "thiruvaay mozhi", but also all the rest of the paasurams  composed by the other  eleven  AzhwArs.  From this, we may deduce  that it is Sriman  Naathamuni,  who  gathered the Tamil treatise (these 4000 peoms) praising Lord Vishnu  composed by  the twelve AzhwArs.  Sriman  naadhamuni  called this  collection of paasurams or  prabhandams naalaayira dhivya prabhandam or draavida vEdham. 
There is much debate about the exact  historical  dates for the twelve  AzhwArs.  It is believed that most of the AzhwArs lived prior to kali yuga, i.e.  at least  3000 years ago.  Others  place the  aazhvaars  in the range of 7th  through  the  early parts of 9th century.  In any case, we can be sure that the AzhwArs  lived  much before Sriman  Naathamuni (826 A.D.)  since during his time AzhwAr pAsurams  had become  virtually  unknown.  (Courtesy:  from Sri Vaishnava Home page of Sri  Mani Varadarajan,USA) 
Due perhaps to  historical  reasons,  much of these  treasures  had been lost to  humanity  for a while.  It was given to the great  Naathamuni  to  retrieve  and  revivify them in their  pristine  glory for the benefit of  posterity.  The long  line of the lineage of  preceptors  who followed him kept the torch  burning and  handed them over to successive generations .  We can justifiably be proud of the  rich heritage .  It is our duty,  therefore, to familiarize  ourselves  with the  lives  and  works of these  preceptors  , the  least we can do as a token of our  gratitude for the invaluable treasures bequeathed to us. 
Given below is the description of the lives of AzhwArs. 

Azhwars Biography


Twelve Azhwars

No Azhwar Birthplace Month Star 
1PoigaiAzhwarKancheepuramAippasi Thiruvonam
3PeyAzhwarMylapore (Chennai)AippasiSadhayam
7KulasekharAzhwarVanchikalam (Kerala)MaasiPunarvasu
12ThirumangaiAzhwarThiruvali Thirunagari KaarthigaiKaarthigai



  Mudhal Azhwars 

PoigaiAzhwar, BhoothatthAzhwar & PeyAzhwar 

PoigaiAzhwAr, BhoothatthAzhwAr and PEyAzhwAr are the three mudal (first) AzhwArs who were not only contemporary azhwArs; but were born on three consecutive days in SiddhArti year, Aiyppasi month on TiruvONam, Avittam and sadhayam nakshathrams respectively ;and the babies appeared on flowers of different kind (and not were born like us actually!- They are ayOnijars). Their period was estimated as 7th century A.D. (Though we are not attaching any significant importance to it, it is better to have a datum). poigaiAzhwAr, was born (made to appear by the Lord) in kancheepuram, while bhoodaththAr in mahabalipuram and pEyAzhwAr in thirumylai (present Mylapore). 
1. PoigaiAr, an incarnation of MahAvishNu's paanchjanyam (Divine conch, sanghu in Tamil) is also called Adhi kavi. poigaiAr appeared on the ThAmarai mottu (lotus bud) in a pond in tiruve:ka near kancheepuram. 
2. BhoodhaththAr appeared in a flower called "kurukkaththi"(?) in a garden at kadalmallai port of pallava rajyam (kingdom) in mahAbalipuram (south of madras). He was an incarnation of Divine mace (called kaumOdaki) of our Lord mahAvishNu. 
3. PEyazhwAr, (called pEyar later by people due to being crazy, mad, piththan, pEyar after the Lord and even used to roll down with ecstasy and bhakti- He even says" others look crazy to him for their being crazy after material pursuits; and sensual pleasures), as an incarnation of the sword of mahAvishNu (called nandaki), appeared in sevvalli (Red alli-lily) flower in a well of AdhikEsava perumAL koil at mylapore (in madras). 
(now, some of us may not be able to digest fully these births (or appearances) on flowers due to the Lord's grace; However, it may please be noticed that whatever you and I can understand and perceive is all transient and not permanent; The very fact that these creations of our Lord in such unique fashion and in such incarnations only goes to prove His ineffable qualities and attributes; They are BEYOND one's comprehension. Do not do research on why the sweet tasty mango is of this shape, this colour, and this contour, etc., Let us not waste time anymore and let us go right ahead and taste it for we are blessed with an accessibility to reach the mangoes) 
NammazhwAr, (our azhwAr), the greatest azwAr about whom we will see later, has addressed these three azhwArs as "innkavi pAdum parama kavigaL" meaning the greatest poets who sang the loveliest songs or the sweetest songs; All three azhwArs were blessed with tamizh gnAnam(knowledge) and bhakti uLLam; All of them, though were not known to each other, were singing the glories of sriman nArAyaNan, and were going from place to place visiting the PerumAL temples to get blessed with Lord's Darshan. They had no other thoughts but for nArAyanan and lived like sanyAsis (recluses); The Lord, may be, wanted them to get together (like what He has done now through maNi) and liked to listen to their discussion about Him and HiskalyANa guNAs
Hence, He brought them to Thirukkovilur separately (at the same time) and what happened there; how they met and recognised each other's bhakti; what all they talked. How ecstatic each one became, what were their outpourings? 
So, they had come to Thirukkovilur and each of them had a separate Darshan of Trivikraman (the Lord who appeared as vAmanan, a small brahmachari boy, took viswaroopam and measured the entire universe in one step in vAmanAvatAram) called "UlagaLandha perumAL" and obtained His katAksham
Due to heavy rain, poigaiAr had to take shelter in a small narrow koodam( hall/veranda) of a house nearby, and being exerted himself so much due to walking, lied down in that place; After some time, BhoodhaththAr knocked the house and requested if he can be accommodated due to heavy rain outside. 
Being a bhakta, (a) bhaktA does not see who asks for; (b) He offers help as long and as much as he can even if it amounts to more inconvenience to him- (a lesson we all have to learn) he welcomed bhoodhaththAr lovingly saying "Inside, there is place for one man to lie down; but two can sit; please come in "(oruvar padukkalAm; iruvar amaralAm). After formal introduction, it took little time to realise that they are birds of the same feather; and they talked and discussed about emberumAn's leelA's and guNAs. There is yet another knock and there stands our pEyar asking for a favour to accommodate him due to heavy downpour. Not surprisingly, both bhaktAs said in chorus "Please come in; We can stand and accommodate you also" (oruvar padukkalAm; iruvar amaralAm; moover niRkalAm). It is in Giving that we receive; 
All three joined themselves in discussing Glorious attributes of Trivikraman Sriman nArAyaNan and were deeply excited to describe what each one of them felt and feel towards their (our) Lord. They felt happy exchanging information of various sthalam(temples) visited by them and were getting more and more excited to know from one another their great anubhavangaL. 
While they were standing all the time (in a space that is just sufficient for only three people to stand) discussing namperumAls' nityakalyANa guNas, suddenly they found themselves cramped; and they could not even move about; It was real squeezing against each other; They were perplexed as to why all of a sudden, there is less space as if there are more than three persons; And there appeared (with the help of their Divine vision blessed by the Lord Sriman nArAyaNan), sakshAth sriman nArAyaNan (chathur bhujam, chandra roopam, sanghu, chakram, Bright ThirumaN and srichoorNam on His beautiful forehead; pattu peethAmbharam, karpoora vasam, etc..... )
Three AzhwArs were literally crying, tears rolling down their cheeks, Goose pimples all over their bodies; Chests expanded as if they are going to burst with full of happiness; Their palms were glued to each other; and they were feeling highly elated; 
Each one of them (one by one) sang 100 poems(pasurams) flowing from their mouths as if they are clear "neerOdai", stream of river; BhagavAn listened to them with His full concentration and satisfaction all their pasurams and after blessing them, disappeared. 
They always went together to other temples, and On their way, the three azhwArs also were blessed with 
1. a darshan of sitapiratti, lakshmana, bharatha, sathrukna, hanumathsametha Sri Ramachandra at Ayodhdhi, 
2. a darshan of Lord ThiruvEnkadamudaiyAn down the hill (not at tirumala, but at tirupathi), when they hesitated to step on the Hill and turned back; such a place is called "AzhwAr theertham" even today. 
3. Offering a charkAyudhA to Vishnuvarthanan, a king at kanchipuram for winning a battle. and 
4. later, joining with another azhwAr, by name Thirumazhisai azhwAr (on their way) 
A Glance at their marvellous compositions: 
1. poigaiAzhwAr composed the first 100 pAsurams "mudhal thiruvandhAdhi" (andhAdhi means the first word of one verse will be last word of the previous verse )starting with the first one: vaiyam thagaliyA, vArkadlE neyyAga/ veyyakkadirOn viLakkAga/ sudarAzhiyAn adikkE soottinEn son mAlai/ Idar neenghugavE enRu/ 
Meaning:Lord nArAyaNa, who holds the Divine chakrAyudha, is the cause of this wonderful universe and the seas. I am singing these mAlai(Garland) of verses(pAsurams) and dedicating to Him, whose vision I had is the light of the lamp of the earth, and oil being the seas, the sun being the source of the light; 
2. BhoodaththAzhwAr composed the second 100 pAsurams "irandAm thiruvandhAdhi" starting with the first one: anbE thagaliyA, ArvamE neyyAga/ inburugu sindhai idu thiriyA/ naNpurugi GnAna chudar viLakku EtrinEn/Gnana thamizh purindha nAn/ 
meaning:Here, it is the love as the lamp and involvement as the oil and azhwAr says" I dedicate myself to the service of the lord, by singing this song that blesses wisdom(GnAna), with love as the lamp, endearing involvement as the oil(Ghee), and knowledge as the wick of the torch". 
3. PEyAzhwAr composed the third 100s called "moonRAm thiruvandhAdhi", with the first one as follows: thirukkaNdEn, ponmEni kaNdEn- thigazhum/arukkan Ani niRamum kaNdEn-seruk kiLaRum/ ponAzhi kaNdEn puri sangham kai kaNdEn/ en Azhi vaNNan pAl inRu/ What a song! AzhwAr just says:" I found the Glorious, GOLDEN form of the Lord. I have seen the Glory of Sri and nArAyaNa and His beauty and His Sea colour, His brightness and brilliance like the Sun and His sanghu (Divine Conch) on one hand and chakrA (Discuss) on the other;" 



Thirumazhisai Azhwar

This is a biography of the GREAT AzhwAr by name "Thirumazhisai AzhwAr" (born at Thirumazhisai, to Bhargava rishi and his pathni kanakangi after an unusual of 12 months stay in the womb). Seeing the foetus that came out as just a lifeless lump of flesh with no arms, legs, etc., they were terribly depressed and with unwillingness left it at the "moongil" (bamboo) bush and proceeded on their spiritual journey. Our Lord Sriya: patih appeared with His consort and blessed the "flesh" with Their katAksham and it turned into an alive, Divya tEjas, cute little bundle of joy; a fully developed and lovely baby which was later picked up with both the arms affectionately by a tribe(Harijan) named "ThiruvALan". A really blessed couple Thiruvalan and pankaya chelvi, was very much overwhelmed by the grace of God for this Gift of swarna vigraham-like baby.
Again an unusual (this unusualness is found on many occasions in this AzhwAr's life) phenomenon of not drinking or eating any thing nor any expelling of any waste by this baby saddened them. They really longed to see the baby drink or eat something; It has been happening for quite some time and this unusualness news spread everywhere and attracted lots of people to see and be blessed with the darshan of this divine child, who is growing and developing like any other normal child without absolutely any intake. When a simple, devoted agriculturist old couple paid their visit, they brought some cow's milk with them and the old lady lovingly placed the baby on her lap and offered the milk saying "Oh our beloved thirumazhisaiyE, the one who came amidst us by the grace of Sriman Narayana, please take this milk and remove our worries, dear" and IT STARTED DRINKING, guys. (one can imagine the happiness mixed with "Anandha" tears that must have flowed in the hall!) And they were coming everyday to offer the milk to the baby; one such day the baby AzhwAr showed and signalled the left over milk to be drunk by the old couple; The moment they drank, they regained their youth; yet another marvel by the Divine AzhwAr, who was none other than chakrAyudha (the Discuss of maha vishnu). The "young" old couple, later were blessed with a male child called "Kanikkannan" who at a later stage became a close friend/aredent disciple of ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr.
The AzhwAr, actually had learnt tried all other religions/doctrines., namely., Buddhism, jainism, advaita and in fact became a staunch devotee of Siva (with a name siva vAkya. pEyAzhwAr argued with him, showed him evidences from vedas ans smrithis to claim sriman Narayana as the supreme deity, and finally initiated him into vaishnavic philosophy and named him bhaktisArar. AzhwAr later declares his struggles in his pAsuram:
sAkkiyam kaRROm samaN kaRROm, sankaranAr /
Akkiya Agama nool arinthOm bhaktiyAl /
senkatkariyaAnai sErnthOm yAm theethilamE /
yenkatkariyathOnRil /
"After my futile efforts to know the supreme principle through jainism, buddhism, and saivic philosophy, I am blessed by sriman Narayana to take refuge at the Lotus feet of Sri Devi and have escaped all problems and misfortunes since then."
BhaktisArar visited various sthalams (temples) and came to Thiruve:ka (bhoodhathAzhwAr's birthplace) and was allured by the beauty of the Lord and the scenic beauties and decided to stay there for some time. Our Kanikkannan, too joined bhaktisArar and served him as an ardent disciple (sishyA) to AzhwAr. There was also an old lady (unmarried) who devotedly, whole heartedly served AzhwAr by cleaning, mopping, drawing "kOlams" etc.. AzwAr was greatly impressed by her indefatigable service and devotion towards azhwAr and appreciated her openly; The old lady was moved and regretted that she joined him at this age only and not when she was able so that she could have continued to serve for more years. Hearing that, azhwAr's kind heart melted and showered his graceful look (katAksham) on the lady, who was immediately transformed into an extremely beautiful young lady. (This AzhwAr's miracles are really great, dear vaishNavALs) Later, during a "nagarvalam", the pallava king saw her in azhwAr's place and married her.
After some years, when the king actually noticed that his queen is not ageing and has got the same youthful look while he was getting old, he found out that it was AzhwAr's divine katAksham that did the magic. He asked Kanikkannan who was summoned to the court to make a request to AzhwAr on behalf of the king, Kanikkannan refused saying he and the AzhwAr will not yield and sing for a mortal. That enraged the king and he ordered to banish Kanikkannan from his kingdom. Kanikkannan said "this is not the only sthalam for me; The entire world is His" and walked off.
He went to azhwAr and narrated the incident which forced him to leave that placeand begged for his pardon for leaving him; AzhwAr felt very sad that his dearest friend/devoted disciple is leaving him. He did not feel like staying there without kanikannan. Hence, AzhwAr, too decided to push off from Thiruve:ka. AzhwAr went straight to the temple and prayed wholeheartedly with tears in his eyes and requested the Lord also to come along with them, as he can not think of living without the Lord.
Kanikkannan pOginRAn kAmaru poon kacchi /
maNivaNNA1 nee kidakka vEndA /
sennAppulavanum pOginrEn neeyum unRan /
painnAgappAi suruttikkoL /
" Kanikkannan is going out of kanchi Manivanna, I am also leaving with him. You don't have to lie down here any more; You also roll your "nAgam" (serpent bed) and follow me" and FRIENDS, OUR LORD FOLLOWED THE AZHWAR WITH THE SNAKE ROLLED AND TUCKED UNDER HIS ARMS.
The king next day got the news that the temple is desolated and the entire city looks dark and lifeless, he understood his folly and rushed immediately to chase the trio. He caught them on the way and prostrated on the ground, repenting for what he had done; requested them to forgive him for his mistake and to come back to kanchi. AzhwAr and Kanikkannan, understanding the sincerity of his regret and repentance requested the Lord again to return and stay at kanchi. Needless to say, the Lord obeyed.
Kanikkannan pOkkozhindAn kAmaru poon kacchi /
maNivaNNA1 nee kidakka vEndum /
sennAppulavanum pOkkozhindEn neeyum unRan /
painnAgappAi viritthukkoL /
(I will not write the meaning and dilute the rich scene- Whenever I think of this scene, I am very much moved, brothers, by the greatness of AzhwAr and the love/vAtsalyam of our Lord towards the AzhwAr to listen and obey the bhakta's request; Simply excellent; Words fail me to express my feelings.- one sholud really be blessed to even read his biography and his greatness through such miracles; irrespective of author's (my) capability and limited or no knowledge)
Once on his way to Tirukkudantai, he stopped for a while to take rest and he sat on the "ThiNNai" ( a sort of bench-pial) in front of a house in Perumpuliyur. A few brahmins were reciting vedas inside that house. On seeing the "harijan" (our AzhwAr), they stopped their recitation since, as per tradition and shAstrAs, Veda was not to be recited in the presence of a person belonging to the fourth caste and our AzhwAr immediately understood and was about to leave when the Brahmins started their recitation.
They forgot the next line and at what point they had left the recitation. The AzhwAr broke open a paddy seed that was lying there with his fingernail to indicate the exact context which had a reference to the paddy seed. The brahmins were simply flabbergasted and astonished and realized the greatness of the AzhwAr and asked for his pardon.
When the Archaka ( priest) of the local temple wanted to honour the AzhwAr, knowing fully well his bhakti and GnAna, some people objected and spoke ill of the AzhwAr. Tha AzhwAr felt hurt and prayed to the Lord to show himself to these people in his physical body to prove that the antaryAmi is the same Narayanan in all living beings, irrespective of the jAti, caste,c reed colour, sex etc.,
Akkarangal Akkarangal Enrum Aavadhu En Kolo /
Ik Kurumbai Neekki Ennai Eesanaakkka Vallaiyel /
Sakkaram Koll Kaiyane Sadankar Vai Adangida /
Ut Kidantha Vanname Puram Posindhu Kaattide /
Meaning:" What is the use of your having those resplendent hands if you cannot remove the idiosynchrosy of these ignorant folk and make me powerful in their midst? Lord, with the divine discus in your hand ! Teach these fools a lesson by showing yourself appearing in my very physical body" Again, The Lord obeyed the AzhwAr and showed himself off in the body of AzhwAr and the protestors were simply astonished and prostrated and begged for his pardon. (It only again goes to prove that no one is superior or inferior by birth; it is just bhakti and love for Him which will make us dearer to Him- No one chooses his kulam, parents, life; It is all His mercy)
On reaching Tirukkudantai ( Kumbakonam), he let the birchbark leaf containing his writings in the waters of river Kaveri. The leaf floated back to him holding his works viz.,'Tiruchanda Viruttam' ( a poem of beautiful verses) in which he sang the following beautiful verse:
NinRadhu Enthai Ooragathu Irundathu Enthai Paadagathu /
AnRu Vekkanaik Kidandhathu EnnilAtha MunnelAm /
AnRu NAn PiRandilEn PiRandhapin MaRandilEn /
NinRadhum Irundhadhum Kidandhathum En NenjuLe /
" Before I was born, He was standing in Ooragam, was sitting in Paadagam and was lying down in Tiruvekka.At that time I was not born with wisdom; When once I was born with this wisdom, I never forgot. Therefore, the Lord left all those places and has taken permanent abode in my heart". The idea is that the great Gnanis never considered themselves as born at all until they realized this ' Artha gnAnam'. And, once they realized this, they had no other avocation than being immersed in the thought of the Lord.This is how Mumukshup padi explains this sentiment.
The other work of the AzhwAr is 'Naanmugan Tiruvantadhi'- an Antadhi commencing with the words 'Naanmugan' - a reference to the four faced Brahma. The first stanza of the Antadhi categorically states
Naan Mugani Naraayanan Padaithaan- Naan Muganum /
Thaan Mugamaaai Sankaranaithaan Padaithaan /
Yaan Mugamaai Anthaadhi Melittu Arivithen - Aazh Porulai
Sinthaamal Konmin Neer Therndhu
"The four faced Brahma was born to Narayana and to this Brahma was born Sankara. I am declaring this truth in this Antadhi. Resort to this without any doubt, if you desire to wipe out the pangs of birth"
The AzhwAr was so straightforwarded, outspoken, fearless and established the oneness and supremacy of Sriman Narayanan and sri vaishnavam. He became an exemplary Sri vaishnava AcharyA and it is told that he spent about 700 years meditating on Tiruvallikkeni perumAL Sri Venkata krishnan.
ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam



Let us not worry or bother and attach importance to the time period of nammAzhwAr as it has different time periods; some theories claim 3100 B.C (5000 years ago) and others claim 8 th century A.D. However, the pAsurams composed by nammAzhwAr contain the depths and visions of philosophy equal to vEdAs, (or even more). These pAsurams along with those of other azhwArs were onlt compiled by nAthamuni and later propagated by embermAnAr (Sri Ramanujar) and hence, is even considered as the foster mother ofThiruvAimozhi (nammAzhwAr's 1102 pAsurams).
nammAzhwAr's parents, kAri (a veLLALa agriculturist) of Thirukkurugoor and udhayanangai, the childless couple, after praying to the Lord AdhinAthA, (who himself had announced through the archakA that his amsam will be born to them soon) were blessed with a male child with a divya tEjas in the year pramadhi, vaikasi tamil month and visAkam nakshatram on a friday (an incarnation of Vishvaksena, the Chief administrator of Mahavishnu). The parents' happiness was shortlived only as the baby did not even cry, move or open its eyes or mouth. Since the baby was different from others it was named "mARan" (later called karimaran).
It may be noted that this Divine baby AzhwAr did not eat/move; but did grow like other healthy kids (similar to baby ThirumazhisaiAzhwAr). The grief stricken parents, due to this unusual uncommon child went to Lord AdhiNatha, put the "immobile" baby in an emerald cradle under a tamarind tree besides the temple. This puLiyamaram(tamarind tree) also is supposed to be "AdhisEshan" (the Serpent of Mahavishnu) which grew here before the azhwAr's birth. This tree has flowers, which tield unripened "puLiyngAi" and not a ripened one (puLiyampazham). This tree, unlike other tamarind tree does not fold its leaves in the nights; and it is still called "uRangap puLiyamaram (the tree which does not sleep), like Lakshmana. (Even today one can witness this phenomenon ay AzhwArthirunagari).The parents observed penance by putting the kid in the cradle at the temple daily. One day when they relaxed by closing their eyes and fell into a short nap, the "little azhwAr" crawled towards the tree bottom and sat down cross-legged and closed its eyes. From then on, the divine child grew in the same state of meditation for 16 years. Needless to say, all sorts of people in that region from all walks of life; and from all religions came to see this marvel. The boy was a 16 year old divya tejas, Golden hued divine form. People affectionately named him nammAzhwAr(our azhwAr), sadagopan, parangusar, etc. (Sisters and Brothers, It is very clear and certain that it is nothing but His grace and order to bless us with this marvellous AzhwAr who has composed pAsurams whose depths of meanings will vary with the readers' capabilities and GnAna / Bhakti to the AzhwAr- A GREAT AZHWAR, REALLY)
The Elephant comes after; while the bell sound can be heard before. Like that the Graceful Lord had sent a brahmin saint by name "Madhurakavi" before this azhwAr's birth. This madhurakavi of Thirukkolur was on his pilgrimage tour (by walk, of course) to North India and was fascinated by the Beauty of ayOdhyA. He chose to stay there. Suddenly one night madhurakavi saw a very bright star (a new one which was not there before; nor was it seen by others even when madhurakavi saw it) in the southern direction. He was pulled by the magnetism of this light (in the nights) and started his journey back to south following the course and guided only by THIS SOUTHERN STAR. He found himseld at Lord AhinAthA temple and the star's brightness in nammAzhwAr's tEjas. He was simply excited and deeply attracted by the Divine figure and Golden hue of AzhwAr's face. Since he was a sanskrit and Tamil scholar and a great philosopher, too he wanted to test the azhwAr, without knowing that the azhwAr does not talk or open his eyes.
He just threw a small stone tnto a nearby pond and for that splash sound, our azhwAr opened his lotus eyes. Madhurakavi asked in tamil "Seththathin vayiRRil siRiyadhu piRandhAl yetthai thinRu engE kidakkum?" (meaning: If the small is born in a dead's body(or stomach), what will it eat and where will it stay?)
nammAzhwAr, the one who has not opened his mouth since his birth (not even for food) opened his lips and answered "aththaith thinRu angE kidakkum" (meaning: It will eat that and stay there).
The small one refers to the individual soul and the dead one refers to the gross matter, the body. When the soul enters the body, the body comes into life; and when it leaves, it becomes a corpse. The soul experiences the pleasures and pains through the body and its senses and reaps only what it has sown quite unaware and unconscious of its true nature of its being part of the Almighty, as His body. So the soul will eat that and stay there; When the soul realises it true nature and does prapatti to Him Sriman Narayanan (realising the body/mind and intellect as not attached to its nature), it will eat His thoughts. verses and pAsurams as his "annam" and will stay there( at His abode as His servant rendering service to Him).
Madhurakavi was greatly impressed at AzhwAr's depth of answer and his philosophy. He prostrated at the feet of AzhwAr and with tears in his eyes said " O, souther sun! Please take me as your disciple: Please make me cross the ocean of Births and deaths. Please protect me". Seeing him at his feet, nammAzhwAr said " Stay with me and write my pAsurams on Sriya:patih". From then on nammAzhwAr sang with utmost Bhakti, pAsurams on Sriman Narayanan and The Lord along with MahAlakshmi on His Garuda appeared before nammAzhwAr and blessed him. Not only that, my dear brothers. It is also told that all perumAls from various thiruthalams (Divya Desams) appeared one by one before him and got their quota of pAsurams. Such is the Greatness of "our AzhwAr". nammAzhwAr stayed under that tamarind tree for 35 years. His pasurams are compared to essence of Rig, yajur, sama & adharvana vedas. After living for 35 years he wished to reach His abode (and so did the Lord, too). Madhrakavi's eyes were welled with tears and was immensely pleased and excited when he saw his AchAryA became one with the Lord and united with Him. Simulataneously, he was also blessed with a swarna vigraha (Golden statute) of nammazhwAr which he consecrated at the Tamarind tree. He performed daliy ArAdhanA to his AzhwAr and even ignored the Lord Sriman Narayana since then.
This NammAzhwAr was always a favourite for Sri Ramanuja , Sri vedantha desika and all seers of visishtadvaita, due to its essence of our great vaishnava philosophy and the doctrine of saranagathi.
NammAzhwAr composed the following:
  1. Thiruviruttam (100 verses as the essence of Rg vEdA)
  2. ThiruvAsiriyam (7 verses as the essence of yajur vEdA)
  3. Periya ThiruvandhAdhi (87 verses as the essence of atharvaNa vEdA)
  4. ThiruvAimozhi (1002 verses as the essence of sAma vEdA)
The sentiments expressed in every single pAsuram of nammAzhwAr reflect Bhakti ecstasy of NammAzhwAr and will take us to such an interest and Bhakti for Sriya:pathih sriman Narayana. It is impossible to select the best verse as all are equally excellent.(We will discuss his pAsurams in another series)
parasara bhattar's thanian on nammAzhwAr:
vAn thigazhum sOlai madhil arangar vAn pugazh mEl /
Aanra thamizh maraigal Ayiraum- EenRa /
mudhal thAi sadagOpan moymbAl vaLarttha /
Edhat thAi ErAmAnujan /
" ThiruvAimozhi' 1000 verses are the vedas which declare the auspicious qualities of Sri Ranganatha. The natural mother is sadagopan(nammAzhwAr) and the foster mother is Sri Ramanuja, since he based his enirekalakshEpams on ThiruvAimozhi.
mikka iRainilaiyum meyyAm uyir nilaiyum/
thakka neRiyum thadaiYAgi -thokkiyalum/
Oozh vinaiyum vAzhvinaiyum Odhum kurugaiyOr kOn/
yAzhin isai vEdaththiyal.
"The ThiruvAimozhi" (tamil Vedam) composed by kurugaiyor kon-nammAzhwAr, contains the five realities namely.,
  1. the nature of the Eternal ParamAtma
  2. the nature of the Eternal jeevAtma
  3. the means for the jeevAtma to attain the goal of ParamAtma
  4. the blocks and hurdles on the way and
  5. the goal of life i.e mokshA.
NammAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam



Madhurakavi Azhwar

AzhwAr Madhurakavi is the one who helped us by compiling the outpourings of NammazhwAr; Not just that, he also sang 11 beautiful "andhadhi" style pAsurams starting with "kaNNinun siRutthAmbhu..." which do not have any parallel to any other pAsuram/slOka for Acharya Bhakti. He sang these pasurams only in praise of his Acharya "nammAzhwAr" and claimed, in the end, that one can attain mOkshA certainly and definitely after reciting just these 11 pAsurams. It is also told that Nathamuni, who compiled 4000 pAsurams of AzhwArs, was blessed with a darshan of nammAzhwAr and was given a set of all 12 AzhwArs' pAsurams (by NammAzhwAr himself) after he recited Madhurakavi's 11 bhakti-laden pAsurams on nammAzhwAr 12000 times. (Brothers, that is the dynamite packed power of Madhurakavi's pAsurams). Let us ber blessed by the biography of this mahan.
Madhurakavi (meaning in sanskrit the sweet poet), a vainathEya (divine bird) incarnate, was born in the year Easwara, chitrai month and in chitrai nakshatram at ThirukkOLoor. He learnt Tamizh and sanskrit and became a great scholar in both the languages. He was a great BhaktA of Sriman Narayana and had an excellent conduct. He was on visits to the North India and obtained divya Darshans of Ayodhya, gaya, Badri, Dwaraka etc., and He chose to stay at Ayodhya as he could not resist being attracted by the Holiness of Sri RAMA's birth place. From there, he was dragged by an unconrolled desire to follow the new Southern BRIGHT Star/Light appeared in the sky (as seen only by his eyes at night) and found himself at the feet of the Greatest AzhwAr "NammAzhwAr". After a brief encounter (Please read the post on NammAzhwAr for details), he prayed to NammAzhwAr requesting him to protect and accept him as his disciple. From then on, he stayed with NammAzhwAr and complied all pAsurams of NammAzhwAr. Madhurakavi was so much devoted to NammAzhwAr, his Acharya, that he held him equal to (higher than) Lord Sri Narayana (You will agree that the Lord asks for that Bhagavatha Bhakti more than Bhagavadh Bhakti).
After NammAzhwAr departed from this earthly world, he was blessed with a Golden vigraham of NammAzhwAr which he consecrated and performed ThiruvarAdhanA and uthsavams in his honour. He was impressed by nammAzhwAr's works so much that wanted to stage NammAzhwAr's works in front of other scholars. the sangam poets objected to such claims and praises NammazhwAr who had no connection with Sangam ( a big deal!). Madhurakavi, it seems was saddened by this protest and was weeping literally. NammAzhwar, appeared as an old Brahmin and consoled him saying " Do not woory about these petty issues, my child, You just place this pasuram of "Kannan kazhaliNai..." on a boat (sangap palagai) and watch the fun" and disappeared. Madhurakavi did the same and the boat, it is told capsized throwing out all the jealous, haughty poets while it retained only the leaf containing "Kannan kazhaliNai.."
It is also told that each one of those poets struggled to reach the shore and composed a verse dedicating to NammAzhwAr. And when they were about to publish their verses, they were simply AMAZED to find that each one wrote the same verse in same words; (What a marvel! what a divine AzhwAr and Divine Disciple ! - simply made for each other)
The sangam chief says " NammAzhwAr's works are superior and other poets are like flies compared to Garudan (that is NammAzhwAr); fire flies (minmini) in the presence of sun; dogs in front of the ferrocious tiger; wolf before the Lord Narasimha, ugly clumsy dwarfs dancing before the havenly beautiful Oorvasi- All their works are not equal to even one utterance of nammAzhwAr."
Madhurakavi's eyes were full of tears for his (his Acharya's) success; The eleven pAsurams are counted as part of 4000 verses simply because the whole of 4000 pasurams is claimed to be Bhagavadh vishayam while Madhurakavi's is on his Acharya which is the central gem that sheds lustre on the other jems of the garland (so says Manavala mamunigal). It is the work that holds the key to the treasure of other pAsurams.
Needless to say, Nathamuni's thaniyans (Thaniyan means dedeicated verse) on this AzhwAr depict the glory of AzhwAr and it is necessary for us to be blessed by such Great Bhaktals; Before we conclude about this mahan who performed Acharya Nishtai and attained the feet of mOksham, let us get benefitted by the rich two thaniyans of Nathamuni (in sanskrit):
Aviditha Vishaya Antharas /
Sadaarer Upanishadam Upagaana Matra Bogah /
Abhi Saguna Vasaath Tad Eka Seshee /
Madhura Kavir Hridaye Mamaavirastu /
" Here is one who knew none other than Nammalwar; the one who made it his mission in life to sing the Tamizh upanishadam of Nammalwar; The one being overwhelmed by Nammalwar held him as his very God; Let such Madhurakavi fill my heart" (our hearts, too)
VERonRum Naan aRiyEn Vedam Tamizh Seitha /
Maaran Sadakopan VaN Kurugur - YeRu EngaL /
Vaazhvaam EnRu Ethum Madhura Kaviyaar Emmai /
AaLwaar Avare SaraN /
Madhurakavi said -" I do not know anything other than Nammalwar also known as Maaran(original name of NammAzhwAr) who rendered in Tamil the essence of the Vedas and who is the head of Tirukkurugur. This Madhurakavi is our master. He is the guardian of the group of Prapannaas.
MadhurakaviAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam
Nathamuni ThiruvadigaLe saraNam



KulasEkarAzhwar was born as a prince to ChEra king Dhidavradhan and nAdhanAyagi during 8 th century(?) in the month of mAsi and the nakshatram of punarpoosam(same as that of Lord Rama). The child looked divine and made everyone who saw it happier and cheerful. The entire kingdom was in a jubilant mood. The kid was named kulasEkaran and when he grew he was taught all sAstrAs, epics, arts, Tamil and Sanskrit and was also given training on fighting, Horse riding, Elephant riding, etc. In each endeavour, he excelled and came out in flying colours. When Dhidavradhan became old, kulasEkaram ascended the throne and since then he was ruling like Lord Sri Rama and brought in RamaRajyam to his kingdom. People were very happy and there was rich harvest throughout the year; there were regular rains and there was only subheeksham. Hence the citizens had great amiount of love and respect for their king kulasEkarA.
Once without knowing kulasEkarA's strengths, the neighbouring kings (Chola and pAndyA) came to fight and during the battle kulasEkaran won with no difficulty. Impressed PandyA king gave his daughter to kulasEkarA for marrying her. kulasEkarA was blessed with a son (whom he named dhidavradhan) and a daughter ILai.
One night, The Lord wished to divert kulasEkarA's attention to Him and he appeared as Lord Tirupati Venkatachalapathi in the king's dream and blessed him. The king was overwhelmed with the Lord's love and became silent and was only thinking of the Lord at all times. He became totally like water in Lotus leaf (Water never wets the Lotus leaf) and was ruling the kingdom without any attachment; He was spending his time more and more on Thiru vArAdhnam and Bhajans and listening to stories of Rama and KrishNa. He even started disliking the battles since he did not like to see more loss of lives in the battle. He started singing in Tamil and sanskrit with full of love and Bhakti in praise of the Lord. He spent his most of the time only on religious activities and attending discourses. Once when the UpanyAsakar was narrating Rama RavaNa yuddham where the battle was giong on for a long time and RavaNa was giving a tough fight, kulasEkara was so much attached to the story and it the discourse he ordered his Army General to immediately organise to send the soldiers, elephants and horses and the king was also making himself ready for the battle to give a helping hand to Sri Rama. The upanyAsakar and all others were totally perplexed and could not say anything. The upanyAsaker at last came to the king and said" O, mighty king, We need not go. The Lord Rama has already killed ravaNa and is on his way back to AyOdhyA for his pattAbhishEkam". That made the king silent and he came to normal; Such was kulasEkarA's bhakti for Rama. It is told Lord Rama appeared in his dream that night and said" kulasEkarA, I am deeply moved by your readiness to offer me help in the battle. I Sice you are having blind affection and live for me , you did not realise my Strength and parAkramam. We can win asurAs with no effort; You are acting just like LakshmaNA, who is also attached to me deeply. From today you will be called kulasEkara perumAL like ILayaperumAL LakshmaNA. Even today he is reverred as kulasEkara perumAL. The pAsurams he sang were compiled under "perumAL thirumozhi". One can see his feeling of deep regret for not being born during RamA's time in his pAsurams.
As he was getting more and more involved in Bhagavadh Bhakti and Bhagavadha Bhakti and was spending all his time in such activities, the ministers were not clear as to how to bring the king back to his administration. The king had even consecrated a Golden statute of Sri Rama in the palace where he was spending most of the time with other pundits and upanyAsakALs. Once during a Ramanavami day (the birthday of Sri Rama), the king was astonished to see a big nice Navaratna mAlai which had adorned Sri Rama missing. He was confused as to how somoen can come inside the palace with so much security and so many people around. The ministers were asked; One of them (may be the chief minister) hesitantly stammered to say" May be ..O .king........one of upanyAsakALs, or pundits...could..........have.....take...." He did not even finish his statment. The king was shivering and was literally shocked to hear that statement as if he has stepped on a Red hot burnt iron; He could not believe his ears as to how these minister can even think of these GREAT BHAKTAAS as ones who could have flicked; "What are you saying? Are you talking about these adiyArs of Sriman NARAYANA. Are you not ashamed to say that? Is your tougue still alive? How dare you think them as thieves when their love is only for th Lord and they consider the Gold and dust the same; Those UTTHAMARGAL - Do you think they have stolen the MAALAI? . He did not stop with that. He called somone to bring a pot wherein he had arranged to place a poisonous snake; Bewildered ministers obeyed. He showed them the pot with the snake inside. He said and prayed to the Lord" If the mAlai has been taken by one of the BhaktALs, let the snake bite me; If not, I will come out unscathed.". He put his hand inside the pot. The snake NEVER TOUCHED his hand. The minister came out openly saying "we are very sorry and we beg your pardon. We are the ones who removed the MALAI and put the blame on BhaktA so that you will start disliking them and will concentrate on administrative matters. Please forgive us for this irresponsible act." KulasEkarA thought silently after listening to all this and understood the underlining concern of his ministers for the kingdom and the rule. He immediately decided to bring his son into the pictute and trained him for some time before he started off his kshEtrAdanam throughout India singing Lord's Glories and GuNAs.
He visited almost all the temples and he lost his heart for Sri Rama. He has sung lullabies for Sri Rama as "RaghavanE ThAlElO!". He has even sung pAsurams on Devaki's misfortune of not able to enjoy kaNNan's leelA's and " thollai inbam" which yasOdhA was blessed with. One can greatly be moved by his pAsurams where in he longs for being born as a step in Tirupathi Lord's temple or a fish in the Holy pushkaraNi or a seNbhaga tree in Tirupathi(standing in front of the temple) or a Big stone which can not be removed so easily; He even wished to be born as a servant holding the Golden Bowl in front of Sriman nArAyaNan to spit the water after washing, girgling and cleaning His mouth in the morning. Such was his desire to serve the Lord ceaslessly and that too from a king!.( One can imagine our plight with so little(or no) material possessions and for that we walk with so much pride with even a very little achievement(which too is possible only with His grace)).
He lived till 67 years and then reached His abode and it is also told that his daughter ILai followed her father kulasEkara perumAn and was also blessed with the Lord's ThiruvaruL.
A sample pAsuram to taste the sweetness and longing deaire of AzhwAr before we conclude this post.
AnAtha selvatthu arambaiyargaL thaRsoozha
vAnALum selvamum; maNNarasum yAn vENdEn |
thEnAr poonchOlai thiruvEngadatthu chunaiyil
meenAi piRakkum vidhiyudaiyOnAvEnE ||
Such an "ARPUTHAMAANA" pAsuram. He says" I do not want to be a king even if it is to rule this earth and the "vAn lOkam" where there is great wealth, and where there are beautiful damsels dancing around; I do not wish that; All that I want is to be born as a fish in the pond (PushkaraNi) in Thirupathi (as mentioned earlier, or a tree standing in front of Thirupathi or a big rock [or at least as a tall building]).



PeriAzhwar and Andal

Before getting into periyAzhwAr charithram, let us have a glance at the Great Villiputthoor charithram, where periyAzhwAr hailed from. In "Then PAndya" kingdom, there is a small town called putthoor, where great sholars pundits were residing. Nearby there is a forest where there were hunters living in it. The chief of these hunters had two sons named villi and kaNdan.
One day these two guys villi and kaNdan went inside the forest for hunting as usual. They spotted a tiger and it escaped the arrows from their bows. KaNdan started chasing vigorously and went deep inside the forest. After som time, the tiget hid behind a tree and pounced on kaNdan and killed him. Villi waited for kaNdan for along time and started seraching for him with a worried look on his face about his dearest brother. When he spotted the dead body of kaNdan, his heart almost stooped with grief and cried heavily and fell unconscious on his darling brother's body.
During his unconsciousness, he had a scene in front of his eyes; Sriman NarAyaNan with His consort VishNu pathni MahAlakshmi appeared and uttered opening His "pavaLachchevvAi" thus:"O villi, Do not lament and cry. Do not worry. We will get back your brother's life. And you both go to find out the Big Banyan tree in the midst of this forest where my moorthy has been lying for quite a long time. You both will also find a cave nearby the tree where there is lots and lots of Golden jewels and coins and treaure available. You can take them as much as you wish. using that wealth, you both need to deforest that place and build a temple and surrounding town." Then the Lord disappeared.
When villi came back to consciousness, he did not know whether what he saw (in his unconscious state) was true at all and was confused. But suddenly kaNdan got up alive as if he just woke up from sleep (without any wound even). Villi explained the whole thing to his darling brother and both of them hugged each other for having been blessed by the Lord and having been chosen by the Lord to establish the temple for Sriya: pathih. (I wish we too had been just hunters like villi and kaNdan, rather than studying all sorts of degrees and leading a life which in now way helps us reach towards the Lord.)
Then they did exactly as was told and with great enthusiasm built the temple with the co operation of all his people (who were pleasantly surprised at the Lord' mercy on their kulam). The place became an excellent sthalam and the temple looked majestic with VadabhathrasAyee as the moorthy. The place even today is being referred as Villiputthoor (named after the brother Villi).
Great scholars, BhaktAs, pundits migrated from putthoor to this holy place and started residing in this place. One of them was Mukunda Bhattar and he was a VaishNava GnAni and his wife was Padmavalli, a GuNavathi and a perfect match for Mukunda Bhattar. Both of them were parama bhaktAs of VadabhatrasAyee. On an auspicious day they were blessed with a male child and they named the child as VishNu chittar; means the one who thinks of VishNu always in his mind. The kid lived upto his name fully and always was contemplating on ways and means to achieve the Lord's DayA. He did not wish to spend and waste his time on education (vEdAs and SasthrAs) and concentrated only on praising the Lord. (PoiginRa Gnanamum pollA ozhkkamum... ). He knew that when Lord KrishNa appeared he had a liking for wearing Garlands made from variety of flowers. He chose that kainkaryam to pluck flowers in the early morning and make an excellent garland out of it to adorn the idol of Sri VadabhatrasAyee. He even sold some of his property and bought a small place near his home (and the temple) and converted that into a beautiful Nandavanam (a Garden). He grew all kinds of creepers and plants for various flowers and the Holy Thulasi. The place also housed a small beautiful pond where there was a clear crystal like water as pure as VishNuchittar's heart and mind. His time was wholly spent on cultivating this garden only and beatify them in order to get more and more and flowers for the Lord. (What a superb life! What a great Bhakti!) The flowers bloomed; Tulasi plant became bigger and bigger; The entire Garden looked divinely beautiful and had an exquisite sugandham (smell) due to jasmine, rose, lotus, pArijAtham, alli, Thulasi, etc., etc.. Every morning, before the Sun rises VishNu chitthar took bath completed his NityakarmAnushtAnangal, went to his garden and plucked all kinds of flowers to prepare garlands and garlands of various types for the Lord, while he sang songs in praise of the Lord. He used to take them to the temple and enjoy the scene of Lord wearing all his garlands. He got an immense satisfaction and great amount of blissful happiness in that. He was also blessed with a spouse Vrajai who also had similar taste for performing service to the Lord. (Never complain about your wife (or husband); If she had been better, she would have got a better husband!)
During those times (9 th century A.D?), there was a king by name "VallabhadEvan" ruling that area (Then madurai). He was a good king and was ruling excellently; He was a great VishNu BhaktA and wished to know the meaning of vEdAs and the glory of the Supreme truth. He enquired his chief minister on his desire and as to how to go about pursuing his interests. The minister said " Let us bring vEdic scholars and ask them your questins and seek clarifications from them; Whoever furnishes good, satisfactory reply and clarifies you can be greatly rewarded, O mighty king.". The king agreed and the announcement was made throughout the kingdom and it was alos told that there will be a bag containing Golden coins hanging at the top and with the power and truth of the vEdic statement/principle, it shall fall automatically. There were many scholars, pundits, vEdic viRpannargaL, arguments, discussions, seminars, pArAyaNams, etc, etc,; But the bag still was hanging! The true vEdic underlying principle/statement was known to anybody; The king was terrible disppointed. The Lord now plays! Sriman NarayaNan, Sri Vadabhatra sAyee appeared in VishNuchitthA's dream and said" O BhaktA, I am impressed with your poomAlai kainkaryam. Tomorrow you go the palace and speak vEdic principles and get the reward". VishNuchitthar said" I am not at all well versed in vEdAs; I did not even study them; I wasted(!) my time without learning all these vEdAs; I have doing only a simple Garland preparation for you, Lord. I can not tell any vEdic truths, since I do NOT know.". The Lord smiled; O VishnuchittA, You are only an instrument. We will speak through you. Not to worry; Just proceed. (ennE BhagawAn's vAtsalyam to bring His BhaktA to the limelight!)
The Lord appeared in the Chief minister's dream too and asked him to arrange to bring VishNuchittar the next day in the palanquin with full honours(GREAT!). The Next day VishNuchittar prayed the Lord and boarded the pallakku (palanquin) and came to the palace with full honours. The scholars laughed at his greed for they knew his limited (or no) knowledge on vEdAs. They made sarcastic statements at him loudly. But once our VishNuchittar started his explanation (after a small prayer) the murmurs stopped; The sarcasm disappeared; People sharpened their ears. The king, the ministers the people and the scholars, everybody could follow the simple statements which were full of deep meanings and were coming as if the waves were coming out of the great ocean; The entire meaning of his statement was clearly understood by one and all and when VishNuchitthar made a concluding statement that Sri MahAvishNu, the Sriya: pathih, is the only paramporuL who is protecting and blessing the whole Universe and all beings and is the only underlying principle of all four vEdAs, the bag FELL by itself! and fell into the hands of VishNuchitthar. The king got up immediately with full of tears in his eyes and prostrated at the feet of VishNuchitthar. He appreciated "I am now clear. You have clarified all my doubts. Sriman NarAyaNanE paramporuL. I have NEVER heard such deep meanings in such simple explanation". All scholars lowered their heads in utter shame and removed their pride and celebrated VishNuchittahr's victory. The king gave away further more lots of prizes and addressed him "BhattarpirAn". VishNuchitthar said "O king, I am dumb. I never spoke. It is HE who spoke here thorugh me. He is the flutist. I am only a bamboo stick. I am only a plant. He is the one who bloomed the flower. I am only a puppet. He is the karthA and a puppetter. Please do not say anything to me. Please do not prostrate at my feet. Let us all prostrate at HIS FEET. Come." and he said this deeply moved, hands shaking and shivering due to the Lord's mercy on his lowly self.
The king made VishNuchitthar sit on the Royal Elephant and arranged for a great procession in the streets of his kingdom. Everywhere people thronged to see the blessed soul and everywhere people were shouting "BhattarpirAn vAzhga! BhattarpirAn vAzhga!". VishNuchitthar was all the time crying with Anandha kaNNeer and was having his palms glued together with his mind fully thinking of him and His mercy. When all these festivities were going on, Do you think our Lord will lie down in PARKADAL. No! He has also wished to see this great scene and enjoy His BhakthA being admired and appreciated. He along with MahAlakshmi appeared on GarudA in the sky and the whole lot of crowd, the king the ministers, the jealous scholars everybody SAW HIM AND HIS CONSORT ON GARUDA! (What a blessed place and blessed people. Were we not even insects in that place during that time?). Seeing the Lord VishNuchitthar was ecstatic and using the bells which the elephant was wearing he made THALAMS and sang "pallaaNdu, pallaaNdu PallAyiratthAndu PalakOdi NoorAyiram" (Long live for many years, Long live for many years for Hundreds of thousands of years!) He is giving AsirvAdhams to the Lord! for living eternally and for ever!. That is why he is calledPERIYA AZHWAR - The eldest AzhwAr because he greeted the Lord himself!
After being conferred "Bhattar pirAn", periyAzhwAr continued on his mAlai kainkaryam, while he enjoyed singing pAsurams on kannan. He sang as if he became His mother, yasOdhA. He bathed him, fed Him, dressed Him; played with him; and enjoyed and imagined all thollai inbam which yasOdhA had undergone. The Child's azhaghu, mischiefs, leelAs, were all sung by periyAzhwAr. All his pAsurams are to be read, re-read and enjoyed. All were bhakti laden pAsurams and taste like Grape fruit soaked in Honey.
One such day (on Adi pooram day) when he was plucking flowers and thulasi leaves in his beautiful nandhavanam, he heard a faint cry of a baby, which appeared as an incarnation of BhoomAdEvi. He was pleasantly surprised to find a little bundle of joy with beautiful pretty limbs and a divine golden face with great amount of tEjas, he immediately picked up the female child with both the arms lovingly and showered her with lots of kisses. His wife vrajai was extremely thrilled to hug the God-given child in their nandhavanam and melted with vAtsalyam for the kid. When they hugged the child they felt as if it is Lord BalakrishNan himself whom they were holding; They were getting tremendous amount of joy by bringing up this blessed pretty girl, whom they named "kOdhai".
Kodhai with their love, affection, and bhakti laden pAsurams and Bhagavadh kankaryam grew up with a GREAT amount of Bhakti for kannan (not surprisingly, since, kannan was also brought up by periyAzhwAr in the same house through his pAsurams). KOdhai grew up with "koLLai azhaghu", and with lots of intellect and GnAnam on bhagavadh vishayangaL. She also developed a great amount of affinity to kannan while she helped her father in his kainkaryam. She also used to pluck flowers and prepare garlands along with her father. Her talks and thoughts were always on kannan. With the garlands, she used to accompany her father to VadapathrasAyee temple to have His darshan.
Years rolled by and kOdhai grew up like a beautiful mullai creeper(kodi); Along with that, her bhakti for kannan too exponentially grew up and she longed to see him and be blessed by him. Her love fir the Lord was so much that she even wished to marry him. She took a vow to marry him only and could not think of getting married to any other person. She even dreamt of him coming to her like a male elephant adorned with pattu and peethAmbharam for the Great marriage with kOdhai. She spent her time always with such dreams of SenkaN thirumAl holding her hands and "agni valam". PeriyAzhwAr seeing all this got worried as to how he could make his darling daughter accomplish her wish( when it is not just impossible for anyone to marry the Lord).
Once, periyAzhwAr as usual prepared garlands of flowers and thuLasis and kept them in a safe, clean place and came out. KOdhai, seeing such beautiful garlands, thought for a while, "If I am going to marry only him, why should I not wear these garlands before He does?" and she did wear them. ( What an apachAram for an ordinary person! But our kuzhandhai is sAkshAt BhoomAdEvi and is there any thing wrong in wearing His garlands?) She saw herself wearing the garlands one by one and admired her beauty by looking at the mirror. When she heard some footsteps, she immediately removed them and placed them as usual. When periyAzhwAr adorned the Lord with those garlands, that day the Lord looked exquisitely beautiful and there was even a smile on his lips. The garlands were spreading an excellent sughandham throughout the temple and every one was talking about the speciality of garlands that day. PeriyAzhwAr did not know why on that day it was so different and special when there was nothing extraordinary he did on that day. It was same flowers; same thuLasi and same way of preparations. Why then all this good smell and beauty? He did not know. (We know.).
This continued everyday. Kodhai wore them secretly and saw herself; Lord enjoyed wearing them with great amount of happiness and satisfaction with good smell. No one knew why. One day on a krishna jayanthi day, periyAzhwAr saw kOdhai wearing the garland and he got terribly angry and depressed; felt very much sad and hurt and with lots of sorrow and "vEdhanai" asked her" kOdhaiyE, my child, why did you do such a mahA pApam? Is it not meant for the Lord, Sriman nArAyaNan? How can you impurify by your wearing them, my child?". Kodhai replied with regret and justification" appA, When there is Sriman NarayaNan is in my heart I wished to see him wearing them; Will the Lord get angry by a bhakthA wearing it?". She was welled with tears with the feeling of guilt and periyAzhwAr's heart melted seeing his darling child crying. He lightly hugged her and consoled her saying "Not that, kOdhai, This is meant for the God our Lord, Will it not become impure by our wearing it, kaNmaNi.. Okay. Do not worry.. Do not do this again. Today I will make another garland. Let it become waste. Don't cry." He made another set of garland and adorned the Lord and that day there was no smell; no beauty and no brightness on His face; nor there was any smile on His lips, too. The bhattars (archakAs) were also confused.
PEriyAzhwAr felt sad that he became angry with his sweet child that day for the first time and the Lord also did not look well with the second set of garlands. He had a restless sleep and just before dawn, Govindhan appeared in his dream. He opened His red beautiful coral lips and said" My dearest vishNuchittarE! PeriyAzhwArE!, BhattarpirAn!, For singing paamaalai(pAsurams) and wearing my poomaalai(garlands) only, kOdhai appeared as your daughter and that is what I love to wear, too. She has ruled over me with her paamaalai and poomaalai and hence, shall be called "AnndAL" hereafter. Do not try to stop her from wearing the garlands. She should continue wearing them." PeriyAzhwAr woke up and realised kOdhai's perumai and greatness. He became excited greatly thrilled to know that she is the one who ruled the Lord and called her " ANdALE!". He explained everything to her and AndAL's face became red with "vedkam"(shyness) and blushed. She became widely known as "Soodikkoduttha sudar kodi".
AndAL wrote TiruppAvai (30 verses) as a nOnbu to perform prapatti to the Lord and seek refuge at His Lotus feet. There were great seers who came later appreciated the depths of this philosophical composition of AndAL. When periyAzhwAr brought marriage discussion to kOdhai, she mentioned only Govindhan's name as Her groom. PeriyAzhwAr knew well of her intentions, since he himself was the culprit for his bringing her up only with kannan's thinking at all times. He also knew that Sri AranganAthan was her heartthrob who stole her heart. He was rightfully worried as to how it is possible to get her married to the Almighty. His worry and burden increased day by day as much as Sri AndAL's love for the Lord increased.
The Lord appeared in periyAzhwAr's dream and asked him to come to Sri Rangam the next day. He also appeared in the king Pandyan vallabhan's dream and asked him to arrange to bring AndAL and periyAzhwAr to Sri Rangam with full honours. Next day the King along with his parivArangal, Srirangam kOil archakAs, the chief officers, ministers, all people of Sri villiputthoor, thronged at periyAzhwAr's house. Palanquin, kudai(umbrella), kavari, temple elephant and Royal elephant were all brought to bring the blessed great father and the daughter. The ladies beautified the already beautiful lloking AndAL with pattu, ponnagai, maNI, etc.,. PeriyAzhwAr and vrajai brought kOdhai slowly lovingly and affectionately to the palanquin. Sri AndAL boarded and sat down in the palanquin, symbolifying "peNmayin ilakkaNam". Throughout the way there were arches of flowers and decorations and festive looks. People thronged to see the blessed Beauty of Villiputthoor. (How nice it would have been, sister and brothers.- How great our Sri AndAL would have looked in such an attire with the pretty face getting prettier with "nANam".) They reached Sri Rangam and the temple. They were guided straight to the Sanctum sanctorum, the sannidhi of Thiruvarangan. Our kOdhai stepped into the inner court, looked at him and His face and immediately merged and united with the Lord as a JOTHI (a light).
PeriyAzhwAr and Vrajai were saddened with terrible grief and were crying heavily for having missed their darling daughter to the Lord. Even though periyAzhwAr knew all bhakti and vEdha poruL, etc., etc., he could not control his tears for the separation from his dearest kOdhai.
"Oru magaLai udaiyEn; ulagam niRaindha pugazhAl  |
ThirumagaL pOl vaLartthEn senkaNmAl dhAn koNdupOnAn  ||"
(meaning: Only one daughter I had; The one who became very famous (with her love for Lord); I brought her up like mahAlakshmi; (Now I have lost her;) That Red lotus eyed Lord has snatched her from me) (Poor periyAzhwAr. We can really feel his feelings and sadness. Those who have sisters and daughters will know the feelings; More so when the daughter will not even come home for thalai DeepAvaLi or delivery, etc., She has gone for ever!)
periyAzhwAr and vrajai felt old suddenly for having lost the child. With the help of the king, he consecrated an AndAL statue in Sri Villiputthoor and till last day he was doing his usual kanikaryam of Malai to Sri VadabhathrasAyee but with a heavy heart thinking of kOdhai always.
pAthagangaL theerkkum paramanadi kAttum*/
vEdham anaitthukkum vitthAgum *- kOdhai thamizh/
ayyaindhum ainshum aRiyAdha mAnidarai/
vaiyam sumappathum vambhu./
(The one which removes all our sins and shows the feet of The Lord; Equal to all vEdAs and even the essence of all vEdAs; they are the THIRTY verses of ThiruppAvai sung by kOdhai; and if one doe not know that, he (or she) is a BURDEN to the earth.- Oh my dearest sisters and brothers, Please make it a point to recite these excellent 30 verses every morning and be blessed by Sri ANdAL, who is none other than Bhoomi pirAtti and can only save us from our samsaaric afflictions.)
PeriyAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam
AndAL thiruvadigaLE saraNam


Thondaradippodi Azhwar

This biography is about ThoNdaradippodiAzhwAr, who called himself as "the Dust at the feet of Bhagavatals", was born to a vedic brahmin by name, vedavisarathar in Thirumandangudi in the month of Margazhi and in "kEttai" nakshathram, in the family of sOzhiya vaishnava (who had their "kudumi" (tuft) on the top front portion and not behind); He was an incarnation of vanamAlA (Divine Garland of Lord Maha vishnu) and he was named "Vipranarayana". He was taught Tamil, Sanskrit, vedas, upanishds, etc., at an early age and he mastered them with no effort and shone like a bright tEjasvi. He was also well versed in writing and singing Tamil poetry and was fully well versed in Shastras. He had no pride (vidhya garvam) and was humble and modest to the core and hence, he was respected by everyone in the locality.
He became highly devoted to Sriman Narayana and he took a vow to stay as a bachelor throughout his life so that he could devote his full time and energy to perform kainkaryam to the Lord Sriya: patih. Like periyAzhwAr, Vipranarayana too was interested only in poomalai kainkaryam. He migrated to Srirangam (which he was longing to visit) after his father's death) and he made a beautiful nandhavanam with nice trees to give shadows and cool breeze, flower creepers which yield excellent sugandha flowers,which can be offered to Sriman Narayana, like, Lotus, karunkuvalai, Alli(lily), Thulasi, etc., stream of water flowing in the middle as an offshoot of Cauveri where swans swim gracefully, and so on and so on. It was a serene divine atmosphere in the Nandhavanam and our Vipranarayana stayed there within the garden in a small hermitage. It used to allure anybody walking down there to visit and get a divine experience. Not only that, our Vipranarayana's singing pAsurams in praise of Arangan along with the sruthi of bees and birds humming add beauty to the place.
Every day our AzhwAr gets up in the wee hours, takes a holy dip in nearby Cauveri, applies bright TirumaN kAppu, carries out NityakarmAnushtAnangal, plucks the flowers and Thulasi leaves, makes beautiful garlands, and takes them to Arangan for adorning Him. He enjoys when archakAs place them on the Lord and he stands stupefied by the inexplicable beauty of The Black Emerald; He melts with tremendous amount of Bhakti rasam generated by the sowndharyam of the Lord and enjoys His ThirumEni which is like a big huge mountain; Red Coral lips and mouth(PavaLacchevvAi); Red Lotus eyes; He addresses the Lord:"O Achutha! There is no enjoyment which is equal to admiring your such beauty. Even you give me a post of Indra to rule the Indra lokam and enjoy that position, I still DO NOT NEED them; I just want to serve your feet!". Such a great AzhwAr is he!
The Lord wanted some fun (Leela krishnan); One day, two sisters were coming back after performing a dance performance in front of Chozha king and were attracted by the beauty of our AzhwAr's nandhavanam. When they saw him closing his eyes and meditating on the Lord, they were captivated by his tEjas and charm. He ignored their beauty. Especially the more beautiful younger sister, by name devadevi got more offended and in fact, challenged the other sister that she would make our AzhwAr her slave with her beauty. In spite of her sister's warning and caution not to enter into such an apacharam and endanger herself, deva devi was adamant and decided to embark on it. Disguised and dressed as a sannyasini, she requested him to accept her service to him at his place. Unaware of the plot, he agreed; However he did not let her stay inside his hermittage. He maintained the distance and was as usual performing his kainkaryams unaffected by her presence. She was desperate and felt sad that she was getting nowhere near her vow. One day, when it rained heavily she got drenched and was shivering. Vipranarayana could not say no for her coming into his hermitage (which he avoided till then) and devadevi slowly aroused his sensual desires and our poor Vipranarayanar was hooked!. She virtually made him a slave for her beauty and he forgot all sorts of kainkaryam and singing. His thoughts were only about devadevi and he became so engrossed in his desire for her that he could not bear even a moment separation from her.
When she achieved what she wished, she went back to her place in uttamarkoil (near SriRangam). Her mother didnot allow Vipranarayana to see her unless he brought some money, true to their profession (which he did not have naturally). Vipranarayana felt isolated and was heavily lamenting the separation from devadevi and did not know what to do. In the meanwhile, our Lord Tiruvarangan felt it was enough for Him to playwith His bhakta and hence, appeared as a servant of Vipranarayana calling Himself "Azhagiya manavala dasan" and went to deva devi's house. He handed over the Big Golden vessel (Thanga vattil) saying that Vipranarayana asked him to give this to her. devadevi's mother went in search of our Vipranarayanar and let him meet her daughter(without telling him why she allowed now; AzhwAr, too did not ask). Next morning, the archakas found one of the "vattils" missing in the Lord's Sannidhi and immediately informed the king. The servant maid of deva devi informed in the meanwhile other homes where she used to work for about this Golden vattil in deva devi's house and the news reached the king. The king after knowing the story arrested our Vipranarayanar without listening to his pleas that he was not at all aware of any Golden vattil; nor did he have any servant working for him, since he himself was so poor. No amount of request or plea helped and he landed up in a dark cell! There he realised everything; his mistakes, his follies, his apacharams of not performing kainkaryams to the Lord etc..
The Lord appeared in the king'd dream and narrated the whole incident and said that Vipranarayana, His dearest Bhakta, was innocent and he was at no fault at all. Immediately, the king released Vipranarayana and prostrated at his feet and begged for his pardon. Vipranarayana felt greatly moved by the Lord's mercy and daya and sang pAsurams full of bhakti . Having gone through a traumatic experience with devadevi, he never looked back and since then, he became a staunch bhakta and called himself the dust at the feet of bhakas (ThoNdaradippodi AzhwAr). He composed two poems namely., Thirumalai (a garland for the Lord) and ThiruppaLLiyezhucchi (waking up the Lord). His pAsurams are really excellent marvellous compositions and one is certain to get moved by the bhakti and longing for the Lord Ranganatha. He did not sing any other sthalam ; He sang only in praise of SriRangan.
Before concluding Just one look at one of his GREAT PASURAMS and let us get blessed by Him.
"OorilEn kANiyillai; uRavu maRRu oruvar illai;/
pAril nin pAtha moolam paRRilEn parama moorthee;/
kAroLi vaNNanE (en) kaNNanE! kadharuginREn;/
AruLar kaLaikaN ammA! arngamA nagaruLAnE!/"
Meaning: I have no place; no properties; no relatves; none other than you; I know only your Lotus feet; O Lord of Blue hued sky colour! You only are my refuge. Can you not hear my cries? Is there any one else to save me except you?"
An excellent pAsuram and how aptly it matches with our lives! May Lord Sri Ranganatha and His AzhwAr ThoNdaradippodiAzhwAr shower Their grace and blessings on us, poor mortals, to help us get rid of this viscious circle of samsara sagaram.
ThoNdaradippodiAzhwAr thiruvadigaLe saraNam




On a Kaisika EkAdasi day in the month of kArthigai, our ThiruppANAzhwAr, an incarnation of Sri vatsa mark, the mole on Lord's Chest, where Sri MahAlakshmi resides, appeared (as an "ayOnijA", one who is not born of mortal beings) and was picked up and brought up by a childless pANar couple who belong to pANar caste (untouchable "Harijan" caste)(in uRaiyoor near SriRangam on the other side of river kAuvEri at Tirucchirappalli). PANars were known for their sweet voice and singing in praise of BhagawAn Sriman NarayaNan.
Our pANan also grew up singing in praise of Arangan. He used to come daily to the banks of River KauvEri and stand there and sing for hours together in trance enjoying the beauty of Srirangam temple from afar and imagining the Lord's ThirumEni deeply(whom he had not seen since pANars were not allowed to even enter the temple).
On one such morning, the temple chief priest by name "sAranga muni" (known as muni for his devotion and piety towards the Lord Arangan) came to the River bank to collect water for NamperumAL's Thirumanjanam(Sacred Bath of Archa moorthy). When he saw one pANan standing on the way, since he belonged to untouchable category(as per the traditions existed then), sAranga muni ordered him to give way and go away from that place. Our bhAgavatA was totally lost in his world of Bhajan. sAranga muni shouted angrily and even threw a small stone at him to make him come to senses(!). The stone hit him on his forhead and it started bleeding! Our pANan realized his blunder and apologised to muni and left the place immediately feeling sorry for his action towards the priest of Arangan. Muni came back to the temple and found the Lord's forehead bleeding and muni was totally astonished and shocked. He felt really sorry for throwing a stone at that pANan and recognised his apachAram. The entire place came to know of the bleeding scene from Lord's idol; but not aware of the reason. During his restless sleep, Arangan appeared and ordered the priest to bring His bhaktA "pANAn" (whom he had scolded and wounded that day) to the temple as a prAyaschittam for his apachAram to His bhaktA. Loka sArangha muni realised the greatness of PANan and the next morning he rushed to the river bank. He narrated the entire incident to pANan and prostrated to pANan pleading for his pardon. pANan was very much embarassed and was deeply moved by the Lord's grace and dayA on him. But he refused to enter into the temple as he did not want to spoil the purity and sanctity of the earth at Sri rangam. He said that he was not fit to set his foot in the Holy place. Immediately muni carried our "pANan" on his shoulders! (Dearest bhAgavatOttamALs, our muni is also a great person to immediately realise his mistake and did all necessary things to do prAyaschittam incuding carrying the pANan on his shoulders knowing fully well of the superficial caste and untouchablity rules existed in the society. We wish we too are blessed with such mentality to do immediate prAyachittams for all our day to day apachArams without bothering about what others will think of such actions).
Our pANan was carried by Sarangha muni and was brought to Srirangam RanganAthar sannidhi (the Sanctum sanctorum). People thronged to witness this great scene (of a high caste individual none other than the Chief priest bringing on his shoulders the lowest caste pANan to the sannidhi and everyone was moved by Lord's greatness. Our pANan throughout the journey on muni's shoulders was having his eyes closed since 1. he was highly embarassed and 2. he was greatly moved by His daYA and His mercy with which he has been blessed to enter into the temple, which otherwise would have been impossible. That is the reason pANan is called MunivAhanar even today. (Sri vEdAntha Desikan wrote a Sanskritized Tamil commentary in four verses called "Muni vAhana Bhogam".)
On reaching the inner sannidhi of Arangan where the Majestic Lord Sri Rangan, the Black Emerald is having His Yoga NidrA and on seeing that Eternally Beautiful, Merciful Lord's ThirumEni our AzhwAn PANan got down and stood with folded hands glued to each other; faced the Lord and was looking at His entire Soiwlabhya ThirumEni. He thoroughly enjoyed His mEni azhaghu and sang TEN EXCELLENT PASURAMS THEN AND THERE FOR WHICH THERE IS NO COMPARISON AND PARALLEL. Out of 4000 pAsurams, this ThiruppANAzhwAr sang just ten! and those ten are RATHINANGAL. One should recite these TEN PASURAMS dialy and should atleast be blessed with one millionth enjoyment of our Sri Rangan's ThirumEni azhaghu. All subsequent seers and AchAryAs greatly pais regards to these pAsurams and ThiruppANAzhwAr. (Sri vEdAntha Desikan composed BhagavadhyAna sOpAnam on similar lines admiring Lord Arangan's ThirumEni azhaghu- One can see in the top verse mentoned herein at the beginning of these posts, VedAntha Desikan refers to PANAN as "NAMPAANANATHAN" (our pANanAthan)).
At the tenth pAsuram (the end) our ThiruppANAzhwAr says: "Lord RanganAthA is the Supreme Sovereign of the Whole World and all the residents therein; He, who is of the Black Colour and the Nature of (merciful) clouds; who ate the stolen butter with his mouth and his sweet hands; who has stolen my mind and the heart fully; and HAVING LOOKED AND ENJOYED HIS BEAUTY (I swear) my eyes can NOT see and will never see any thing ELSE;" With that excellent pAsuram OUR THIRUPPANAZHWAR merged and united with the Lord Sri Ranganathar.
(Simply great AzhWar, Isn't he?-
Please recite these 10 pAsurams daily after bath in front of your Lord; Just get up 10 minutes early; Please read the meanings of these 10 pAsurams available in Bhakti Archives and appreciate and enjoy the richness of these pAsurams - I remember to have read Sri V.Sadagopan's post on the meaning of ThiruppANAzhwAr's 10 GREAT pAsurams; However, If you need I can reproduce for all your benefits as a kainkaryam to BhagavathALs. Please let me know)
ThiruppANAzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saranam



ThiruvAli   nAdu was part of ChOzhA kingdom. There, Ali   nAdAr (belonged to the fourth caste), an Army General (ThaLapathi) of ChozhA king earned the king's goodwill and respect with his devoted work. He and his wife, vallitthiru were blessed with a beautiful male child, whom they named neelan (due to his dark (neela mEga) colour. He was born in the year nala, on a karigai mAsam, kritigai nakshathram, full moon day and was an incarnation of the Lord's SArngam (Divine bow). Neelan grew up a shrewd smart boy, learning Tamizh and Sanskrit and mastered them; became well versed in sword fight(vAL payiRchi), vil viddhai with, Horse riding, elephant riding, etc. He grew up a young, intelligent, smart, healthy, strong, handsome lad (and yet simple and modest with a religous mind like his parents) and not surprisingly, people liked him very much. When Neelan's father got old, the chOzhA king, having heard about Neelan, appointed Neelan as the Army General(ThaLapathi). He was agile, dynamic, young and was good at battle fields; and hence captured the neighbouring states; The king was immensely pleased and presented him a small portion of his kingdom, a place called Thirumangai, as a tribute and made him a KING! (He was thereafter called "Thirumangai mannan".) That was his first success. And that became the cause for his slipping from all bhakti, devotion, religion etc., etc., and the success of reaching the SimhAsanam at such a young age, (with no chance of becoming a king, otherwise) went to his head. He took to all vices; He was deeply caught in seeking sensual pleasures. The parent were helpless and could do nothing but pray to the Lord to correct their son.
The Lord Sriman nArAyaNA did listen to them. He had organised such a situation that made a dEvamAdhu by name sumangalai(who was performing the kainkaryam of fanning(sAmaram)the Lord) to appear as the most beautiful daughter of a local doctor in Tirumangai, in the name "kumudhavalli" (based on a "sApam" given by kapila muni for her laughing at an ugly face and coarse voice of his disciple). Being an incarnate of dEvamAdhu, she was exquisitely pretty and could attract even a recluse. Our "new" king, Thirumangai mannan heard of her alluringly feminine beauty and wished to see her immediately. When he saw her, he was so much cativated by her darting glance at him, he fell head over heels for her and proposed to marry her. Kumudhavalli, through her father, stipulated two prerequisites for him to qualify for marrying her. They were
  1. Her husband should be a (or become a) Sri vaishNavA, wear ThirumaNkAppu on his forehead, and be a true bhaktA of Sriman NarayaNan. (Sriman Narayanan Himself spoke through her) and
  2. Her husband should feed daily 1000 (ONE THOUSAND!) vaishNava bhakthALs.
Our mannan, being intoxicated by her looks, agreed after listening to her conditions immediately. They got married.
So there he was. With a bright ThirumaNkAppu, thuLasi mAlai, he paid obeisance to Sriman NarayaNa. He started the annadhAnam for 1000 Sri vaishNava bhaktALs. Slowly day by day, our mannan was transfering into a true, sincere devotee of the Lord and was getting tremendous satisfaction from feeding Sri vaishNavALs daily. The enjoyment of Bhakti and BhagavatOttamAL sEvai were really experienced by Thirumangai mannan. While this was going on, the entire "gajAnA" (treasury) was spent on the annadhAnam kainkaryam. So he could not even send the "tax" which he was supposed to send to the chOzhA king every year. So, chOzhA sent a message to pay the tax; but since our mannan could not pay and sent back a reply saying that he will not be able to pay. ChOzhA king got wild and sent soldiers to bring him. Our hero sent them back effortlessly with his fighting skills. ChOzhA king himself came with a heavy army and attacked Thirumangai mannan. Even though Thirumangai mannan's army is small, he fought with tremendous skills and he won the battle. His horse went near the chOzhA king and he got down from the horse. He said: "Oh pErarasE(Big king!), I did not send the tax- I don't deny. But did I spend the money on trivial matters? It was spent for Sri VaishNavALs. How can I stop when your soldiers came to imprison me?". Our chOzhA king was hurt due to his defeat and did not listen to all this. He said,"I made you a king. I gave you all these luxuries. Now you are not even grateful. and you fought with me, too" Our mannan got hurt very badly by that "grateful" statement. He was very much grateful to chOzhA king for all that he had done. So Thirumangai mannan threw away his sword and bowed down before the king and said " Chozha mannA! what a word you spoke about me! Am I ungrateful? You forgot all kingdoms which I captured for you. Now I am standing in front of you. Go ahead and do waht you wish to do with me".
The chOzhA king melted and was moved. He hugged thirumangaimannan and said "Don't worry. I know you. But we should pay respects to pErarasar-chitRarsar relation and hence, you are to send your tax within 3 days. Till then, you will be imprisoned in the perumAL temple." There was no way he could get any money and hence, he begged the Lord to help him. The Lord appeared in his dream and suggested him to go to the banks of river vEdhavathi near kanchi where he could find a big treasure of Gold coins and jewels. He narrated the dream to the chOzhA king and thirumangaimannan and few ministers went to kanchi, vEdhavathi river banks and did find a BIG TREASURE. Having heard this news, chOzhA king got up from the throne and whole heartedly bowed down to Thirumangai mannan for his bhakti and thee Lord's mercy on him. He said" I have done a great mistake of taxing a great bhakthA for a small tax issue and caused a hindrance to BhagavathALs' anna dhAna kankaryam. Please take all this treasure and let me send you back with full Royal honours. You need not insult me by paying the tax any more!". The mannan came back with more wealth and with great honours. The citizns of Thirumangai were greatly thrilled by their king and kumudhavalli was proud of her husband.
They revived their kainkaryam for 1000 Sri VaishNanvALs more aggressively and attained their happiness and satisfaction as usual. Again, they found themselves left with no wealth for the kainkaryam. With a view to keeping the promise to his beloved wife, he had to resort to highway robbery from rich people. With the booty, he continued the kainkaryam. One day The Lord Sriya: patih Sriman NarayaNan and Vishnu pathni Sri MahAlakshmi appeared on the highway as a"just married" couple with lots and lots of jewels adorned them. Our mannan turned robber heard of a new rich young couple's coming on the Highway and immediately rushed with his adiyALs. He was very happy to see Them with so many jewels and thanked God(!) for that. They also had a bag containing more ornaments. Our anti-hero demanded Them to surrender all they had. They did precisely waht was instructed to Them; all with Their katAksham on our hero. They put all their ornaments on a piece of cloth. When Thirumangai mannan tried to lift the bundle of ornaments he just could not even move it a bit! He was shocked and perplexed as to why it was so difficult to move it! He went near the Lord Sri mahAvishNu and with a fierce look into His eyes, asked Him " What is the manthram you have for lifting this bundle?. Tell me, else, I will kill you both." He threatened Them with a sword. The Lord and the PirAtti smiled with a gentle mandhahAsam. He asked Thirumangai mannan to come near him and whispered in his right ear "OM NAMO NARAYANAYA". Having heard those EIGHT SYALLABLES (AshtAksharam) right from none other than SRIYA: PATHI himself, his mind, heart became pure!. All his dirt had disappeared! He was simply electrified by the AshtAksharam. He got goose pimples all over his body; He got undescribable blissful happiness! He prostrated fullt at Their Lotus feet with eyes full of tears at Their mercy to bless him despite his shortcomings and negative qualities. They blessed him with Their karunai kataaksham. Then They disappeared. He realised His ThiruviLaiyAdal and the purpose of his birth and poured out tamizh pAsurams on the Lordas if it comes from just opened dam ("madai thirandha veLLam pOl"). He looked at the sky and kept on crying ceaselessly for Their dayA on his lowly self. His hands and the legs were shivering with tremendous amount of Bhakti and love for the Lord.
He came back galloping on his horse to narrate the entire exciting incident to the beloved kumudhavalli. Kumudhavalli, before he started even, asked him as to why his face looked so bright, serene, divine and beaming that day. He said "kumudhA, I have reached the purpose of my manushya janmam kumudhA. I have seen NARAYANA, kumudhA. (nAn   kaNdu  koNdEn   NARAYANAnai ). He was too excited to even complete his statements in a coherent manner. (After all, he has been initited by SarvEswaran Himself!). Kumudhavalli said, "Then, I have also reached the purpose of my deputation (by Lord through kapila muni)" and she narrated her story. Our AzhwAr became all the more blissful and happier to know that The Lord Sriya: pathih sent Kumudhavalli only to set him right from his wrong path and "ThadutthAkoLLified" him. He could not control his tears and sobbed heavily at the Lord's mercy on him. Then he sang GREAT PASURAMS (on NARAYANAN's name) and visited almost about 80 temples (out of 108 Divya dEsams). He built the fort and kOttai (ramparts) of Srirangam without affecting or spoiling ThoNdaradippodiAzhwAr's nandhavanam. ("pAdi   pAdi   paraparappAi   thirinthAr")
His compositions were :
  1. Periya thirumozhi
  2. Periya thirumadal
  3. SiRiya thirumadal
  4. Thiru nedunthANdakam (TNT)
  5. Thiru KurunthANdakam(TKT)
  6. Thiru vezhuk kurrirukkai.
His pAsurams are marvellous; excellent and have unsurpassed beauty in them. parAsara Bhattar made use of his TNT to win over his counter part, a advaitin scholar in his arguments and later the advaitin became his disciple 'nam jeeyar'. Sri RanganAtha himself heard and was greatly pleased with that argument reenacted from Bhattar quoting from TNT (Please read excellent posts of Sri V. SadagOpan on TNT and TKT during Feb 96 from Bhakti Archives - a real feast to each one of you).
Thirumangai AzhwAr (a KING, a person who enjoyed the bhOgams so much) walked all the way and visited almost all temples. He is simply GREAT, my dearest brothers and sisters. He is just SUPERB AzhwAr. His wordings are his outpourings straight from his heart.
We will conclude this post with my favourite pAsuram of this AzhwAr: Here is one of his periya thirumozhi pasurams:
vAdinEn vAdi varundhinEn manatthaal/
perun thuyaridum idumbaiyil piRanNdhu/
koodinEn koodi iLaiyavar thammOdu/
avar tharum kalaviyE karudhi/
OdinEn Odi uyvadhOr poruLaal/
uNarvenum perumpadhan therindhu/
naadinEn nAdi nadi nAn kaNdukoNdEn/
nArAyaNA vennum nAmam.
Being born into this body, a reservior of profound sorrow, I am repenting, melting and crying, I am filled with pathos and self-pity;I have let myself run after beautiful women, seeking the sensual pleasures from their union; Through the grace of our Lord I have now realised that there is a greater goal and That will deliver me into eternal happiness; I have been searching for this state and have now found it in THE SWEET NAME NARAYANA.
This pASsuram will bring tears to the eyes of any Vaishnava for AzhwAr's Bhakti and love and his heart longing for the lotus feet of our Lord Narayana.
Thirumangai AzhwAr thiruvadigaLE saraNam



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